Archive for 9 March, 2008

Study: Saudi girls mostly sluts

9 March, 2008

So much for the moral equivalency arguments. It seems saudi girls could care less who they fool around with. 99% is one heck of a percentage, the other 1% were probably liars.

Now, I really could care less why they do it – I just posted this so I can remind saudi men-your wives sleep around.

Some 85% of girls in the ultra-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia use the Bluetooth feature on their mobile phone “in an indecent manner,” a recent survey by the National Human Rights Association revealed.

According to the survey, 99% of mobile text messages amongst girls “break social taboos and violate customs and traditions,” the Saudi edition of London-based Al-Hayat newspaper reported.
-Shocking, honor kill them all, right now, tonight. Ok, I am having fun at the expense of saudi men but I am serious about this: saudi men can not please their women so in desperation the women all look elsewhere. Still unsatisfied they do it again and again and again. It’s not just the low moral standards of the women that make this process work the men are also guilty. While saudi women are out cheating, so are their husbands.

Using Bluetooth is prevalent in public places, traffic jams, restaurants, and cafes. A guy or a girl writes their name in a romantic text message or with an attached picture of a flower bouquet and includes his or her contact details. People within reach are able to get the message and contact the sender.
-This wouldn’t happen if they were with a male relative at all times. Keep those sluts on a leash before they start corrupting the values of western women. What the hell is wrong with you muslims?

According to Reem Abu-Eid, head of the campaign the Association launched under the title “I am human,” 22% of the girls surveyed sent “taboo” messages, while 45% sent messages using aliases.
-I really need to learn how to receive bluetooth messages so some saudi tramp can send me some free porn. (more…)

Latest Editorial Video from Pat Condell

9 March, 2008

H/T to Cavmom and Warner for graciously emailing us with the following:

Appeasing Islam

Britain makes camera that “sees” under clothes

9 March, 2008

Thermal images have been around for a while now this appears to be the next level. Bad news for jihadis and others harboring ill will.

9 March, 2008, LONDON (Reuters) – A British company has developed a camera that can detect weapons, drugs or explosives hidden under people’s clothes from up to 25 meters away in what could be a breakthrough for the security industry.

The T5000 camera, created by a company called ThruVision, uses what it calls “passive imaging technology” to identify objects by the natural electromagnetic rays — known as Terahertz or T-rays — that they emit.

The high-powered camera can detect hidden objects from up to 80 feet away and is effective even when people are moving. It does not reveal physical body details and the screening is harmless, the company says.

The technology, which has military and civilian applications and could be used in crowded airports, shopping malls or sporting events, will be unveiled at a scientific development exhibition sponsored by Britain’s Home Office on March 12-13.

“Acts of terrorism have shaken the world in recent years and security precautions have been tightened globally,” said Clive Beattie, the chief executive of ThruVision.

“The ability to see both metallic and non-metallic items on people out to 25 meters is certainly a key capability that will enhance any comprehensive security system.”

While the technology may enhance detection, it may also increase concerns that Britain is becoming a surveillance society, with hundreds of thousands of closed-circuit television cameras already monitoring people countrywide every day.
-The issue of privacy concerns comes up every time we get a break in technology. Reality you already have very little actual privacy. In most western countries you can not go far with out passing under a camera. Be it on a traffic light, a business surveillance system or a government protected site your likeness is already imaged. Add public and private records and your entire life is available to someone’s scrutiny.

Personal privacy should never be used as an excuse to lower security. The greater good of the community overrules personal privacy concerns. No government is large enough to monitor everyone and they will be forced to focus on real suspects over innocents. All methods to find fix and destroy criminals and terrorists should be used until the last minion’s head can be mounted high on a pike. (more…)

Don’t Sing the Donkey Song at an Islamic Wedding…

9 March, 2008

Heheheheheeeeeee. Hat Tip teeheeehee goes out to Warner. Heheeehee.

‘Donkey song’ causes divorce at Syrian wedding reception

RIYADH, March 7 (RIA Novosti) – A newly-married husband in northwest Syria divorced his wife at their wedding reception after his new bride insulted him with a ‘donkey’ song, the Al Watan newspaper said on Friday.

The incident happened in the Syrian city of Latakia after the bride had chosen the Arab song, “I love you, my little donkey,” for their first wedding dance.

Singing the song, the woman went on to call her new husband a donkey numerous times, admitting however that she would be angry if anyone else did so.

Meanwhile, the husband did not find his wife’s joke amusing and asked the DJ to change the record. The DJ refused to do so, saying that the bride had requested the song.

The furious husband then grabbed the DJ’s microphone and cried out “talaq” three times.

Under Sunni Islamic Law, a husband may claim a divorce by saying ‘talaq’ – which means “I divorce you” – three times. The divorce comes into effect as soon as the words are pronounced.

Al-Jazeera apologizes for telling the truth

9 March, 2008

Al Jazeera finally lets a guest give their honest assessment on muslim behavior and now they realize the truth hurts. It seems the minions can not handle the truth. Now, the focus is on apologizing quickly, loudly and often enough that the minions will not burn down a station.

Syrian-American psychologist’s unprecedented attack on Islam stirs row in Arab world. Qatari satellite network rushes to apologize, cancel reruns

Roee Nahmias, 9 March, 2008, Israel News
Qatari satellite network al-Jazeera was busy this week trying to calm the row sparked in the Arab world following remarks made on one of its program against Islam.
-Keep in mind they never apologize for their radical quests spouting off about murdering infidels or praising terrorists.

“The al-Jazeera network deeply apologizes for the fact that one of its programs’ participants degraded Islam and the monotheistic faiths on her own initiative. The channel extends its apology to all its viewers for the offensive remarks and has canceled both reruns of the program,” the network said in a statement.
-I am also sorry. I am sorry I missed it.
The unusual apology came following a debate on the talk show “The Opposite Direction” – one of the station’s flagship programs, which has stirred many rows in the past with harsh criticism against the Arab regimes.

This time the program hosted Wafa Sultan, a Syrian psychologist living in the United States. On the agenda were several explosive components: The Muhammad cartoons in Denmark, Israel’s operations in the Gaza Strip, the Holocaust and especially Islam.

Here is what Sultan said: “All the religions and faiths have been subject throughout history to criticism and insults, and this helped to develop and amend them over time. The only faith which beheads those who oppose it – is destined to turn into terror and tyranny.
-So there you have it another excuse for muslims to practice islam and destroy stuff.

“This is the situation of Islam from its beginning to this day. It has sentenced its critics to prison terms, and those who escaped custody were killed. The Danish cartoons have managed to drop the first brick in the wall and open a window, through which the sun rays will be able to enter after a long period of darkness.”
-Muslim minions like the darkness, islam needs to hide, exposure of islam hurts their cause by warning future targets and allowing them a chance to prepare for its arrival. That is one reason they try so hard to fight free speech.

She went on to say that “the Danish newspaper implemented its right for freedom of expression. The freedoms are the holy of holies in the West, and there is nothing which supersedes them.

“And I say, if Islam was not what it is, these cartoons would not appear. They did not come from an empty space, and the cartoonist did not make them up from his sick mind. They were an expression of what he is familiar with.”

Describing the illustrations, Sultan continued, “The Muslims’ barbaric reaction added to the value of these cartoons. It simply proved their rightness: The Muslim is an irrational creature, and the things he learned overpower his mind and inflame his feelings. That is why these remarks have turned him into an inferior creature, who cannot control himself and respond to events in a rational way.”
-Inferior creature? Nah, inferior ideology maybe but they are still human. A creature would act with better behavior than a minion on a drug as strong as islam.

Sent by Zionist intelligence?

Tala’at Ramih, an Egyptian Islamic writer and researcher, who clashed with Sultan on the program, responded with astonishment: “God forbid! These are all one hundred percent lies. It appears that the American and Zionist intelligence have already begun creating people hostile to their nation in this way.”
-I don’t know about the zionists but this American doesn’t get a single dime for posting the truth. I do this because I refuse to let islam rule over modern mankind. If muslims want a return to the seventh century they best build a freaken time machine and hop in, strap down and haul tail into the past. One thing is certain they will not take me with them. (more…)

China Thwarts Terrorist Attack at Upcoming 2008 Olympics and Foils a Highjacking

9 March, 2008

Gee, if they can do all that, why haven’t they stopped exporting dangerous products?


China says thwarted attack on Olympics: state media

1 hour ago

BEIJING (AFP) — Suspected “terrorists” killed in a raid in northwest China’s Muslim-dominated Xinjiang region earlier this year had been planning an attack on the Olympics, a top official said Sunday.

In separate comments, another high-level official from the same region said authorities had Friday foiled a planned “terrorist attack” on a passenger jet flying from the regional capital Urumqi to Beijing.

They were speaking on the sidelines of the current national parliamentary session at a briefing reported by the state news agency Xinhua.

Two militants were killed and 15 arrested in the January 27 raid in Urumqi, capital of the vast region bordering several Central Asian republics.

Five police officers were wounded in the raid when three homemade grenades were thrown at them.

“Obviously, the gang had planned an attack targeting the Olympics,” added Wang Lequan, Xinjiang’s Communist Party chief, linking the raid for the first time to the August 8-24 Games being held in Beijing.

The group had collaborated with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), an obscure grouping that is listed by the United Nations as an international terrorist group, according to Xinhua.

“The Olympic Games slated for this August is a big event, but there are always a few people who conspire to commit sabotage. It is no longer a secret now,” said Wang.

“Those terrorists, saboteurs and secessionists are to be battered resolutely, no matter what ethnic group they are from,” said Wang, who is a member of the Communist Party’s politburo.

And, whiny little Libs complain about the U.S….