Archive for 17 March, 2008

Dirty Tricks Being Used By an Islamofacist at Wright State

17 March, 2008

Warner sent us this interesting email that illustrates the underhanded tactics used by Muslims to advance Creeping Sharia:

Islamofacism Fraud at Wright State

By Patrick Poole
| 3/17/2008

Power has its privileges. That’s no doubt what Mohammad “Moody” Kassem, a student government officer at Wright State University, thought a few weeks ago when he devised a plan to use his student government position to help promote the extremist agenda of another organization he is also a leader of – the Muslim Student Association.

In late February, Moody Kassem posted an online poll on the Wright State student government website directed exclusively towards Muslims which asked:

If you are of Islamic faith would you utilize a permanent prayer room?

This in itself seems innocuous enough, but Kassem then began contacting Muslims all over the country – with no association or ties to Wright State University or its local community – to participate in this poll with the expressed intent to use the results of this poll to approach WSU Provost Steven Angle to pressure the university to establish a permanent private Islamic prayer room on the campus of this state university. The poll was featured prominently on the home page of the Wright State Student Government website.

Here’s the text of the email that Moody Kassem sent out to Muslim leaders all over the country:

Salaam everyone. So I need to ask a favor of every one of you. PLEASE go to and go to the poll on the right and vote for YES. This is the Wright State University Student Government website. I am conducting a survey for ANYONE to vote about getting a prayer room on campus. Inshallah, with it, the next generations after us will have an official place to pray whenever they choose. If my plan goes well, I will be presenting this to the provost of Wright State University (Steven Angle) on behalf of the Muslim community and WSU Student Government. Get as many people to vote at that poll. The more the votes the better and stronger our point will be. Please let me know if there are any questions or comments. My phone number should be at the end of my signature when I send this email or obviously shoot me an email, and I should respond within 2 hours. Please forward this to all MUSLIMS that you know. If sent to non-Muslims, unfortunately, I can’t track who voted, so we will get NO answers.

Salaam and JAK.


With this e-mail going out well beyond WSU’s service area, a seemingly insignificant poll on the student government website rapidly spun up hundreds of affirmative responses.

I contacted Moody Kassem two days after he posted his online poll to inquire why he would use responses from those with no connection to WSU as proof of a demand for a separate Islamic prayer room on campus, but I received no reply. However, the poll was moved off the student government main webpage within an hour of my e-mail to Kassem, despite the fact that it is still running.


The Dishonesty of Hope

17 March, 2008

Excellent analysis of a professional snake oil salesman turned Presidential hopeful.

By Rich Lowry, March 17, 2008, AM1280
In the first sermon Barack Obama ever heard from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the pastor railed against “white folks’ greed,” the bombing of Hiroshima and “the callousness of policymakers in the White House and in the statehouse.” For Obama, the experience was formative. The sermon’s title, “The Audacity of Hope,” became the title of Obama’s second book and the theme of his presidential campaign.

Now that videotapes have surfaced of Wright’s more scorching diatribes — arguing that America deserved 9/11, exclaiming “God damn America” for spreading drugs in the black community, and declaring the U.S. the “US-KKK-a” — Obama professes shock, even though he attended the church for nearly two decades and Wright was his spiritual mentor. Evidently, Obama wants us to believe they never talked about anything besides the Gospel and the weather.

Nothing is so unbecoming as a beacon of the new politics resorting to such naked evasion. Obama adviser David Axelrod tried to tell reporters on a conference call that a reason Wright was disinvited from giving the invocation at Obama’s announcement speech in February 2007 was that it was so cold, the program had to be shortened.

Axelrod quickly admitted they kept Wright from the podium because he was potentially controversial. He was loath to do it because it means Obama knew about Wright’s venom well before he expressed surprise and dismay over the videotapes. Given that black liberation theology — inherently anti-white and hostile to America as a repository of white sinfulness — underlays the Rev. Wright’s ministry, there couldn’t have been any escaping it.

Are we to believe that the Rev. Wright had the ushers scan the crowd at every service and, if Barack Obama and his family were present, reverted to a mainstream Christianity and colorblind calls for love and mercy? That Wright suddenly hit upon his theory that the U.S. government had hooked blacks on drugs in the videotaped sermon of 2003, and never mentioned a word of it before? (more…)

Red State Update: Obama’s Preacher

17 March, 2008

Peacekeepers Battle Serbs in Kosovo

17 March, 2008

I seem to remember someone warning this would happen, I don’t remember who.

March 17, 2008 – KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Kosovo
Serb demonstrators attacked international peacekeepers with rocks, grenades and Molotov cocktails Monday, setting off the worst violence in Kosovo since it declared independence from Serbia last month. The Serbs traded gunfire with U.N. and NATO forces in hours of clashes that wounded at least 62 U.N. and NATO forces and 70 protesters outside a U.N. courthouse.

The clashes began when the U.N. stormed the courthouse in the Serb stronghold of Mitrovica just before dawn to pull out protesters who had occupied it for three days to protest Kosovo’s independence.

Hundreds of Serbs swarmed the area, blocking three red-and-white U.N. police vans as they moved through the angry crowd and ordering the officers to open the doors.

About half of the 53 arrested Serbs went free. The rest were taken out in armored vehicles and were released by the U.N. after questioning.

Danish military police said they came under fire from protesters and shot back as they evacuated wounded officers. Machine-gun bursts could be heard until midday, although it was not clear who was firing. At least one U.N. vehicle and one NATO truck were set ablaze.

The U.N. said later it was pulling out of the Serb-dominated northern half of Mitrovica because of the shooting.
Lol, that’s what they always do-tuck tail and run.

NATO helicopters hovered above the city and NATO troops remained, but the U.N. withdrawal could fuel a widespread Kosovo Serb desire to split from largely ethnic Albanian Kosovo and rejoin Serbia. The Serb minority dominates about 15 percent of the territory in northern Kosovo, including about a third of Mitrovica, Kosovo’s second-largest city. (more…)

The Media Lied, People Died

17 March, 2008

The MSM’s misuse of a quote from the IDA’s recent report on the link between Saddam Hussein and international terrorism is just downright treasonous. If you take the time to read the report, which I have, you will discover that the intent of the “no smoking gun” statement was to say that Saddam Hussein had carefully covered his tracks via dealings with secondary al-Qaeda groups in an effort to appear innocent of his dealings with al-Qaeda. Why they didn’t just come out and say that, I don’t know. But, even a casual reading of the report clarifies that statement.

Saddam Hussein was demonstrably willing to use terrorism to achieve his goals. Using this tactical method was a strategic choice of Saddam’s, often requiring direct and indirect cooperation with movements, organizations, and individuals possessing, in some cases, diametrically opposed long-term goals.

Emphasis added throughout the following article is mine:

Media Lie

By Melanie Phillips:

The ‘Bush/Blair lied, people died’ brigade swung into instantaneous knee-jerk action-replay when the Institute for Defence Analyses, a Defence Department funded body, reported on the results of screening more than 600,000 original captured documents and several thousand hours of audio and video footage from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, which have been archived in a US Department of Defence database. Thus

Study Finds No Qaeda-Hussein Tie

said the New York Times.

Official US study denies Saddam had links with al-Qaida

said the Guardian, going on:

A US military study officially acknowledged for the first time yesterday that Saddam Hussein had no direct ties to al-Qaida, undercutting the Bush administration’s central case for war with Iraq.

But the actual reportdoesn’t say that at all. Indeed, its reveals the precise opposite. Although its executive summary states:

This study found no ‘smoking gun’ (i.e., direct connection) between Saddam’s Iraq and al Qaeda

the body of the report finds significant evidence of highly pertinent indirect connections with al Qaeda affiliates. For example:

Captured documents reveal that the regime was willing to co-opt or support organizations it knew to be part of al Qaeda-as long as that organization’s near-term goals supported Saddam’s longterm vision…A later memorandum from the same collection to the Director of the IIS reports that the Army of Muhammad is endeavoring to receive assistance [from Iraq] to implement its objectives, and that the local IIS station has been told to deal with them in accordance with priorities previously established. The IIS agent goes on to inform the Director that ‘this organization is an offshoot of bin Laden, but that their objectives are similar but with different names that can be a way of camouflaging the organization.
Saddam supported groups that either associated directly with al Qaeda (such as the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, led at one time by bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri) or that generally shared al Qaeda’s stated goals and objectives.

Woah! Read that one again! Saddam supported an organisation led at one time by bin Laden’s deputy! (more…)

Arab woman survives honor killing, avoids being 9th victim in family

17 March, 2008

Finally a would be murder victim escapes the wrath of mohammeds minions.

By Roni Singer-Heruti, 17 March, 2008, Haaretz
S. Abu Ghanem, 40, sat on a bench at the Ramle police station Sunday morning. Beneath her shirt collar could be glimpsed an open wound, the tissue red and exposed, the sole outward mark of her horrific experience a few hours earlier. She did not know where to go from there, so remained seated on the bench, her mother and brother beside her.

“I’ll do whatever the police tell me to do,” she said, but seriously considered going home, to the city’s Jawarish neighborhood, where her would-be killer was still roaming free Sunday. His aim was off, it turned out, and the gun only wounded her slightly, but as of 4:45 A.M. Sunday he was certain that he had murdered S.

Ramle police believe this was yet another case of woman being targeted for “desecration of family honor.”

In the Abu Ghanem family, perhaps more than in any other Arab family in Israel, many of the women live under a reign of terror imposed by several of the family’s young men. As Haaretz reported this year, eight women from this family were murdered in the past six years, all in connection with “family honor.”

Like those murdered women, S. apparently angered some of the men in the family by her conduct.

“Some of them did not want me to marry the guy I’m with, who does everything for me,” S. told Haaretz Sunday.

S. left home for work Sunday, as usual, at 4:45 A.M. “When I got to the car, I opened the door, got in and closed it. Suddenly someone broke the window and I was shot at. I came close to getting wasted, and the bullet scraped my neck,” she says, and exposes the wound. “I threw myself down on the passenger seat and he kept shooting at me. I pretended to be dead, didn’t even breathe, so I wouldn’t move even a little. I didn’t move at all, and he left. Straightaway I pressed the car horn and didn’t stop until people started coming,” she said.

Her mother says she heard the endless car horn and went out to see what was going on, which is how she found her daughter lying wounded in the car.

Ramle police were called immediately and began searching for the shooter, while S. was briefly treated and released from Assaf Harofeh Hospital. (more…)

Murderous Mothers. The Hidden Female Face of Honor Killing

17 March, 2008

Another Jewel from Phyllis Chesler.

Phyllis Chesler, March 17, 2008
Texas-born Patricia (“Tissie) Said, formerly of the Owens family, is the mother who lured her two teenage daughters, Sarah and Amina, to their deaths at the hands of their own father this past New Years Day in Dallas. How can a mother do such a thing? Even if her own life was threatened, even if her husband Yasser had literally held a gun to her head and told her to trick her daughters into returning, isn’t a mother supposed to sacrifice herself for her children? Or at least to protect them? What can explain such a perversion of maternal instinct and of the life force itself?

“Tissie” Said is not the first mother to have participated in an honor killing on American soil. In 1989, in St Louis, Missouri, Brazilian-born second wife, Maria Isa, held her daughter Palestina (“Tina”) Isa down for twenty minutes as her father, Zein Isa, a Palestinian Abu Nidal terrorist operative, viciously and repeatedly stabbed her to death. The entire murder had been taped by federal authorities who were tracking the Abu Nidal group. The jury got to hear the girl’s heartbreaking cries and found both parents guilty. (Unsuprisingly, Zein Isa had the same mind-set that Islam Said, the brother of the honor murdered Dallas girls has. Isa said that “he had stabbed his daughter in self-defense, that she had so shamed him, that he had to commit a crime to restore his honor.”)


Hamas Leader’s Popularity up in Recent Poll of Islamic Squatters

17 March, 2008

Note:  In a move to clear up years of propaganda that has perpetuated the Palestinian myth,  I formally dub thee:  “Islamic Squatters.” 

Hamas leader’s popularity rises – opinion poll
Mon 17 Mar 2008

JERUSALEM, March 17 (Reuters) – Israeli attacks in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have boosted the popularity of the Islamist group’s leader Ismail Haniyeh among Palestinians in the territory and in the West Bank, according to a poll on Monday.

The survey by the West Bank-based Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research showed that if new presidential elections were held, Haniyeh would receive 47 percent of the vote compared with 46 percent for President Mahmoud Abbas of the rival, secular Fatah faction.

The figures represented a sharp strengthening of Haniyeh’s popularity. He served as prime minister in the Hamas-led government Abbas dismissed after Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from Fatah in a brief and bloody civil war in June.

The centre’s previous poll in December gave Gaza-based Haniyeh just 37 percent of a potential presidential vote compared with 56 percent for Abbas, whose peace efforts with Israel are opposed by Hamas.

But the survey also found that Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi, imprisoned in Israel and seen as a possible Abbas successor, would defeat Haniyeh by a clear margin. The poll gave him 57 percent of the vote, compared to Haniyeh’s 38 percent.

The latest poll was conducted shortly after Israel ended an offensive in the Gaza Strip in early March that killed more than 120 Palestinians, almost half of them identified as civilians.

Uhm, just a thought here, but if almost 50% of the population supports a terrorist organization, wouldn’t that imply that only about 1/4 of the dead Islamic Squatters can actually be called “civilians?”

Israel said the operation was aimed at stopping cross-border rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.


Female Suicide Bomber Kills 36 in Karbala; VP Cheney is in Baghdad

17 March, 2008

More signs that al-Qaeda in Iraq is getting desperate as more and more women are being used as human bombs.

P.S. – Sorry I’m getting started a little late today.  I’m fending off a nasty little bug – probably came from China… JK

Female suicide attack kills 36 near Iraq Shiite shrine
17 Mar 2008

KARBALA, Iraq (AFP) — A female suicide bomber detonated her explosives-laden vest near a Shiite shrine killing at least 36 people on Monday in the central Iraqi city of Karbala, police and health officials told AFP.

The attack came as US Vice President Dick Cheney visited Baghdad on a surprise trip and met several US and Iraqi leaders to discuss the recent improvement in security across the country.

At least 50 people were wounded in the blast which occurred near the revered Imam Hussein shrine, said Alaa Hamud Dadair, head of Karbala’s health directorate.

The bomber was a woman, a local police officer said on condition of anonymity, adding she blew herself up near the shrine among a crowd of people.

An AFP correspondent at the site said several ambulances and police vehicles ferried victims to hospital following the blast which occurred around 100 metres (yards) from the shrine, located in the centre of the city.

The correspondent said the powerful explosion ripped people apart, sending body parts flying. Many bodies were charred.

Salim Kadhim, spokesman for the Karbala health directorate, said seven Iranian pilgrims were among those wounded in the blast.

Yeah…  They always use this guy as a source in Karbala… I’m starting to get a little suspicious of this guy…  Just thinking out loud…


Egypt Detains Christian Bookshop Worker

17 March, 2008

Monday, 17 March 2008
By BosNewsLife Correspondents Stefan J. Bos and Eric Leijenaar

Shenouda Armia Bakhait was arrested Saturday, March 15, after undercover police “stormed” the Nile Christian Book Shop in Cairo, reported Advocates For The Persecuted, a US-based nonprofit organization that advocates for religious minorities in the Middle East.

The leader of the group running the shop, the Egyptian Christian Youth Union (ECYU), was quoted as saying that two senior officers and eight undercover policemen “stormed” the shop at noon Saturday Cairo time. “Mr. Shenouda was interrogated for more than five hours” by a prosecutor and court president, said ECYU President David Joseph, whose Egyptian name is Nagy Atia, in a statement.

He claimed that under Egyptian law the bookstore worker should have been released immediately as no wrongdoing could apparently be established. If there was a basis for accusation, he could then be held for four days to allow time for an investigation.


However, “The interrogators…detained him only for the night, with plans to continue the interrogation the next day,” he said. “They [also] requested a report from the Egyptian national security office about the activities of Mr. Shenouda and the Nile Christian Book Shop. Egyptian authorities claim they can detain Mr. Shenouda for up to 40 days without a trial under Egypt’s emergency laws,” Joseph was quoted as saying.

Shenouda’s whereabouts were not known Monday, March 17, and Egyptian officials could not immediately be reached for comment.
