Archive for 25 May, 2008

Muslim gangs ‘are taking control of UK prison’

25 May, 2008

Once again we see the UK has failed in its duty to enforce its own laws and protect its citizens. Prison life is hard enough for those serving out their time without having to put up with vicious minions.

While I applaud their ability to arrest and detain a significant number of minions that doesn’t absolve them of the requirement to protect non minion prisoners. We have already seen this process, the minions will rule over the infidels with a mixture of violence and intimidation. A few will be recruited and converted. Who knows what they will do when they have completed their time?

Jamie Doward, 25 May, 2008, The Observer
Prison officers at one of Britain’s maximum security jails are losing control to Muslim gangs, according to a confidential report obtained by The Observer. An internal review of Whitemoor in Cambridgeshire warns that staff believe a ‘serious incident is imminent’ as several wings become dominated by Muslim prisoners.

The report, written by the Prison Service’s Directorate of High Security, says there is an ‘ongoing theme of fear and instability’ among staff at Whitemoor, where just under a third of the 500 prisoners are Muslim.

It claims: ‘There was much talk around the establishment about “the Muslims”. Some staff perceived the situation at Whitemoor had resulted in Muslim prisoners becoming more of a gang than a religious group. The sheer numbers, coupled with a lack of awareness among staff, appeared to be engendering fear and handing control to the prisoners.’ The situation has become so acute that white prisoners are routinely warned about the Muslim gangs by staff on arrival.
-No shock here folks, the UK had only to contact other prisons and they would have been better prepared to deal with the minions. (more…)

Rolling Thunder rolls into Washington

25 May, 2008

What kind of a vet would I be if I didn’t add my support? I wish I could be there with them.
Having been to the memorials myself I can testify it humbles you.

I found friends and family honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial; I found I shared my name with a few soldiers who paid a much higher price for their service than I did.

I visted the Iwo Jima Memorial to honor my Grandfathers brother. I have also visited many battlefields over the years to honor the fallen from conflicts long past. I do not require a family connection to recognize their efforts on my behalf.

Unless we continue to honor those who have served, are serving now and those who will serve we do not deserve what they gave us.

On a personal note: I was away for a few days and returned to Tampa airport parking Friday night and saw my magnet supporting our troops had been removed from my vehicle and placed on the side upside down. Any lowlife that would do such a thing on Memorial Day weekend is scum. You owe your life to one single thing. I did not see you do it.

25 May, 2008, (AP)
WASHINGTON – What’s a little noise in the service of a good cause?

It’s Rolling Thunder weekend in and around the nation’s capital. The group expects tens of thousands of bikers.

At noon Sunday, bikers from across the country, and some from abroad, will demonstrate their support for U.S. soldiers held captive or missing in action.

Their rumbling “Ride For Freedom” will take them from the Pentagon, across the Potomac River by way of the Memorial Bridge and on to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Later, there’ll be speeches, tributes and music. Actor John Amos will read General Colin Powell’s “A Letter to a Soldier.”

Rolling Thunder 21 will also advocate for the fair treatment of veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Rolling Thunder spokesman Artie Muller says the Memorial Day weekend event is meant to draw attention to the problems facing some veterans.

Muslims Riot over high fuel costs in Indonesia

25 May, 2008

Ok, at first I did found myself smiling at the thought of muslims having difficulties with high fuel prices. In reflection my first viewpoint was unfair, muslims tend to be impoverished and only the leadership of the cult controls the money. A 33% increase would hurt anyone and muslims always seem to think violence will somehow help.

Where are the saudis, kuwaitis and the rest of the rich muslims? Why are they not helping their minions? Oh that’s right – for the same reason they do not help starving african muslims-they could careless, they got theirs.

The upper echelon of muslim leadership has an abysmal record of support to their own. Strange they always seem to have money to live an exciting jet setting lifestyle and to build mega mosques to support islamic expansion. They just don’t seem to care about existing muslims and their daily struggles to survive.

25 May, 2008, Toronto News.Net
More than 100 protesters have been arrested in Indonesia after they hurled molotov cocktails at police on the weekend.

In protests against the rising price of fuel, angry students threw the homemade fire-bombs and burned tyres outside the National University in Jakarta (more…)

Muslim mother of four shocked to learn imam blessed Polygamy and husband jumped at the opportunity to cheat.

25 May, 2008

Hat tip to tnr.
I guess mom didn’t bother to read the pesky koran or she would have known this was at least possible if not probable. To be fair the men are supposed to ask permission to cheat/remarry but you rarely see a brave muslim.

Sooner or later these types of marriages will face a legal challenge and anytime islam is challenged in court that is a good thing. Islam fears scrutiny above all. These marriages just give muslims yet another way to oppress their own families. Female children face honor killings, forced/arranged marriages, no notice divorce, and now they have cheating fathers and it is encouraged by their local imam.

Small wonder muslim youth are messed up mentally.

Noor Javed, 24 May, 2008, The Star
There were no pleasantries, there was no small talk. Safa Rigby had expected to hear her husband’s voice when the phone rang one morning. Instead, the caller didn’t even bother to say hello.

“You think you know your husband. You don’t know him at all,” said the man, a friend of her husband’s. “His car is parked outside my house right now. He is with my ex-wife. They just got married last week,” the man said.

It took a minute for the news to sink in. Then she called her husband of 14 years, demanding to know if what she had just been told was true – that while she spent a year in Egypt raising their four children in a more Islamic environment, he had used it as an opportunity to marry not just one, but two other women in Toronto.
-Lol, what a coward, sends her away for a year because he is scared she might catch him.

“Yes, I’m married,” he said, quashing all her dreams of their future together.

He told her he was married in a small ceremony 20 days earlier, officiated by Aly Hindy, a well-known Toronto imam, at his Scarborough mosque.

“I cried for six days straight. Lost my appetite, ignored the kids, even had to start taking antidepressants,” said Rigby, 35. “What I couldn’t understand was how such a thing could happen in Toronto, my hometown, where polygamy is supposed to be illegal.”

It was easy. He simply found an imam willing to break a Canadian law, in exchange for upholding an Islamic one.
-There are really two crimes here the husband and the imam should face charges.

“Polygamy is happening in Toronto; it’s not common, but it’s happening,” said Hindy, imam at Salahuddin Islamic Centre.

Hindy, hardly a stranger to controversy, is well known for his friendship with the family of Omar Khadr, the young Canadian detainee at Guantanamo Bay, and his outspoken views on the implementation of Islamic law. In the past five years, Hindy said he has officiated or “blessed” more than 30 polygamous marriages; the most recent was two months ago. Even some imams in the GTA have second wives, he added.

“This is in our religion and nobody can force us to do anything against our religion,” he said. “If the laws of the country conflict with Islamic law, if one goes against the other, then I am going to follow Islamic law, simple as that.”
-At least the imam admits muslims can not live up to western standards and that islam is not compatible with democracy.

Those who condone the practice rarely let their views be known, and those who practise it themselves tend to do so in secret, making it difficult to record how many such marriages have taken place in the GTA. Equally hard to determine is how many polygamous families have immigrated to the country, despite a 2005 report commissioned by the federal Status of Women that tried to find out the extent of polygamy and its implications.

But conducting such unions in clear violation of Canadian law is wrong, according to Syed Mumtaz Ali, president of the Canadian Society of Muslims, who speaks frequently on polygamy issues.

“Muslims should not enter into polygamy while they are living in Canada, because the local Canadian law prevails. It overrules the Islamic law if there is a conflict between the two,” he said.
-It should also apply if muslims arrive with multiple wives.

Under the Criminal Code, polygamy was deemed a crime in 1892. Those who enter into reside in, or officiate a polygamous union can be charged with a criminal offence and face up to five years in prison.

But the last time polygamy was prosecuted in Canada was more than 60 years ago. Fundamentalist Mormons in Bountiful, in southeastern British Columbia, have managed to get away with openly practising polygamy, believed to be an integral and necessary part of their faith, since the 1940s with little legal recourse.
-Take note Canadians, write your representatives and demand a crack down. (more…)

Church is not doing enough to convert UK Muslims, says bishop

25 May, 2008

He is right. I don’t care if they convert them into tree worshiping frog lovers, anything beats worshiping a seventh century pedophile.

By Jonathan Petre, 25 May, 2008, The Daily Mail
Accusation: Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali claims the Church of England is failing in its duty to convert British Muslims to Christianity

The Church of England was accused by one of its most senior bishops yesterday of failing in its duty to convert British Muslims to Christianity.

The Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, said Church leaders had rightly shown sensitivity towards Muslims as part of efforts to welcome minority faiths.

But he said: ‘I think it may have gone too far and what we need now is to recover our nerve.’

Dr Nazir-Ali, who faced death threats earlier this year after saying that some parts of the country had become ‘no-go areas’ for non-Muslims, said that it was important for faiths to talk to one another without diluting their core beliefs.

‘Our nation is rooted in the Christian faith, and that is the basis for welcoming people of other faiths,’ he said. ‘You cannot have an honest conversation on the basis of fudge.’

The Pakistani-born bishop, who in 2002 was tipped to become Archbishop of Canterbury before Dr Rowan Williams took over from Dr George Carey, was echoing concerns that many Church leaders are abandoning attempts to spread Christianity among Muslims out of fear of a backlash. (more…)