Archive for 17 September, 2008

Obama’s Global Poverty Act – A Threat to American Sovereignty

17 September, 2008

If you still have any doubt who obama works for, read this.

By John Wallace, 15 Sep, 2008, News Blaze
Twelve months ago the US House of Representatives passed the Global Poverty Act (HR 1302) that basically commits the U.S. to spending a minimum of 0.7 percent of its gross national product on foreign aid to developing countries. The bill was passed by a voice vote with no discussion of the effect this legislation will have on our sovereignty or the potential costs to the American taxpayers.

Attempts are currently being made to push Senator Barack Obama’s version of the “Global Poverty Act” (S.2433) through the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, although no hearings have been scheduled. If the Global Poverty Act is passed by both houses and signed by the President, American Sovereignty would suffer another blow by making US foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates and whims of corrupt United Nations bureaucrats.

The Global Poverty Act would require the President “to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of of people worldwide who live on less than $1 per day between 1990 and 2015.
-I would like to see us help more Americans. (more…)

Hey Pakistan; we lied!

17 September, 2008

I am still laughing at the thought that the paki’s believed the US promise to stop strikes inside pakistan. Here is a tip for them – we can lie just like you. Here is another tip – if you shoot at our troops, we will revert to the primary job of our military “killing people and breaking things”. Bottom line; the gloves are off, the challenge given and we made the first move. You now have a choice: side with the extremists and die along side of them or make good on your promise to help us take them down. Before you decide, you might want to consider who can stop the monetary support holding your corrupt empire together and who can stomp your ass while doubling military support to your main rival India. Chose wisely.

Saeed Shah, 17 September, 2008, McClatchy Newspapers
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A U.S. missile strike Wednesday in Pakistan further inflamed relations between the two anti-terrorism allies, just hours after the American military chief vowed to “respect Pakistan’s sovereignty.”

The strike against suspected militants in Pakistan’s tribal area, which runs along the Afghan border, is thought to be the sixth such attack this month. It came as Washington is demanding that Islamabad do more to prevent Taliban and al Qaida extremists from using its territory.

Pakistani leaders have condemned the U.S. military interventions, which include the first documented American ground raid in the country earlier this month. The strikes have caused an uproar in Pakistan.
-What doesn’t cause an uproar in pakistan? Just let your cousins burn some stuff in the UK and shut the hell up

Four missiles were fired from unmanned U.S. aircraft Wednesday at a suspected militant hideout at around 7 p.m. local time in a village in South Waziristan, killing at least six people, according to a local security official, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity because he isn’t authorized to talk to journalists.
-Nice work

American strikes were used infrequently in the tribal area in the past, but there’s been an intensified bombardment over the last few weeks. Washington thinks that Taliban and al Qaida fighters allied against the coalition in Afghanistan are using Pakistan’s tribal territory as a refuge. Some analysts think that the Bush administration is trying to land major al Qaida scalps before the end of his term. Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al Zawahri, are thought to be most likely hiding in the tribal area.

The target of Wednesday’s strike is thought to be a compound used by Taliban and the Hezb-i-Islami, a militant group fighting in Afghanistan that’s associated with the notorious veteran jihadist Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The previous aerial assaults have killed militants, including senior al Qaida commanders, but also dozens of civilians.
-All the extremists are civilians. (more…)

As usual, the good news goes unreported.

17 September, 2008

This is a little dated but I found it important enough to run it. The comments below are from a retired USAF, Lt. Colonel. I am with holding his name, as I have no way to ask his permission to run the story or the pictures. I do not think he realized how far his email would travel and who would see it much less pass it along. I do thank him both for letting the world know about this important story and his service to our nation.

Our MSM did not feel this story was important enough to share. Obviously, the Lt. Colonel and I do and have. To all the men and women involved my sincere thanks and congratulations for your participation in this record-breaking ceremony.

Tremendous re-enlistment in Baghdad……never made main stream media…guess it doesn’t fit with their reporting of the hollow force, poor morale, etc. For those who have been in the Al Faw Palace you’ll have a better estimation of the number of people crammed in the rotunda.

Obama Campaign Working on Damage Control

17 September, 2008

Here’s an update on that explosive story the MSM seems to be going out of their way to ignore:

Washington Prowler:  Obama-Biden Reservations Confirmed
By The Prowler –

The Obama campaign spent more than five hours on Monday attempting to figure out the best refutation of the explosive New York Post report that quoted Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari as saying that Barack Obama during his July visit to Baghdad demanded that Iraq not negotiate with the Bush Administration on the withdrawal of American troops. Instead, he asked that they delay such negotiations until after the presidential handover at the end of January.

The three problems, according to campaign sources: The report was true, there were at least three other people in the room with Obama and Zebari to confirm the conversation, and there was concern that there were enough aggressive reporters based in Baghdad with the sources to confirm the conversation that to deny the comments would create a bigger problem.

Instead, Obama’s national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi told reporters that Obama told the Iraqis that they should not rush through what she termed a “Strategic Framework Agreement” governing the future of U.S. forces until after President Bush left office. In other words, the Iraqis should not negotiate an American troop withdrawal.

According to a Senate staffer working for Sen. Joseph Biden, Biden himself got involved in the shaping of the statement. “The whole reason he’s on the ticket is the foreign policy insight,” explained the staffer.

Also, Amir Taheri who broke this story for the New York Post, tackles Obama’s “Strategic Framework Agreement” spin.  Be sure to read it all by CLICKING HERE.

Hamas Kills Baby; MSM Yawns

17 September, 2008

You can rest assured that if Israel’s IDF had killed an Islamic Squatter’s baby, the Main Stream Media would have been up in arms with wall-to-wall, non-stop news coverage of the atrocity.  But, since it’s Hamas…  Well, I guess that’s somehow different and not worthy of their time…

Baby among 11 dead after Hamas raids criminal gang’s Gaza base

Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem
The Guardian, Wednesday September 17 2008

Forces from Hamas, the Islamist movement in control of Gaza, attacked a compound belonging to a powerful criminal gang yesterday in a heavy street battle that left 11 dead, including a baby boy.

The fighting began on Monday when a Hamas policeman was killed with a shot to the head while Hamas forces were trying to arrest a wanted member of the Doghmush clan inside the headquarters of the Gaza municipality. After the shooting, Hamas mounted a major raid on the clan in al-Sabra in eastern Gaza.

The attack lasted until dawn yesterday, with heavy fighting in the streets of the city. Another Hamas policeman was killed along with 10 members of the clan, all young men apart from two children, a boy aged one and a 16-year-old, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights. A further 42 people were injured.

Hamas said its forces had been involved in an operation against “fugitives”.


Member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee Switches Sides and Endorses McCain-Palin

17 September, 2008

Yeah, that title was a bit wordy, but so is Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s name…

So much for all those DailyKos fools that thought McCain was throwing in the towel when he picked Sarah Palin for his VP and that Hillary supporters would never abandon the Obamessiah.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Member of DNC Platform Committee, Endorses John McCain
Contact: Press Office, 703-650-5550;

ARLINGTON, Virginia, Sept. 17 /Standard Newswire/ — Today the McCain-Palin campaign announced the endorsement of Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee.

“In an election as important at this, we must choose the candidate who has a proven record of bipartisanship and reforming government, and that’s John McCain,” Rothschild said. “We can’t afford a president who lacks experience and judgment and has never crossed party lines to work for meaningful reform. Amid tough economic times and foreign policy concerns, we need someone who is ready to lead. Although I am a Democrat, I recognize that it’s more important to put country ahead of party and that’s why I support John McCain.”

Rothschild, an attorney and businesswoman, supported Sen. Clinton during the Democratic primaries. She will campaign for Sen. McCain through Election Day.

Happy Constitution Day!

17 September, 2008

On this day in 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

Celebrate by Clicking HERE to read OUR U.S. Constitution.

Violence by Hindus Targeting Christians Continues to Grow Throughout India

17 September, 2008

Pray for our Christian brothers in India.  They are getting slaughtered by both the Hindus AND the Muslims:

Another man killed, more houses and churches attacked in Orissa’s Kandhamal district.

NEW DELHI, (Compass Direct News) – A policeman was killed today, the body of another victim of Hindu extremist violence was discovered and more houses and churches burned in Orissa state’s Kandhamal district even as anti-Christian violence spread to at least five more states across India over the weekend.

Christians and churches were targeted in Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand as fallout from violence in Orissa that began following the assassination of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council or VHP) leader, Laxmanananda Saraswati, and four of his disciples in Kandhamal district on August 23.

[FYI – Statement from Sep. 1, 2008:

“A Maoist group today claimed responsibility for killing Hindu extremist leader Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his disciples in Orissa state on August 23, saying that fanatical Hindus’ claims that Christians murdered him were “lies.”

CLICK HERE for that article]

A mob of around 500 rioters today killed a policeman and burned down a police station in Orissa’s Kandhamal district, where Hindu extremists launched a spate of attacks three weeks ago blaming local Christians of killing Saraswati and his disciples. Maoists have claimed responsibility for the murders of the Hindu leaders.

“A large number of attackers armed with country-made guns and crude weapons gunned down a constable and set ablaze the police station at Gochapada early this morning,” Director General of Police Gopal Nanda told The Indian Express. Gochapada is 36 kilometers (22 miles) from Phulbani, the district headquarters of Kandhamal.

Police sources told the daily that the mob was demanding release of a man held by security personnel, but local residents felt the attack came in retaliation for police firing into a crowd in Kurtamgarh in Tumudibandh area, killing at least one person, on Saturday (Sept. 13).

Murder in Orissa

While the body of another person was found and at least 14 houses were burned on Sunday night (Sept. 14), a church and several houses were set ablaze on the previous day.

The Statesman newspaper reported that at least nine houses of Makabali village and five in Sanakbali village were torched in the Gunjibadi area. Authorities found the body of Purander Naik, who had fled to a relief camp where mainly Christians had taken refuge, in his village of Nilungia.

“The decomposed body of Naik was found by police near the Ratingia dam yesterday,” the newspaper reported yesterday. “Naik was at the G. Udayagiri relief camp for over 10 days but had left for his village to see the condition of his house and poultry. His family was at the relief camp. Apparently he was killed during his visit to the village.”


“Diversity” Training in Medical Care

17 September, 2008

Hmmm…  Interesting that this “diversity” training seems to be centered around Islam…  Maybe they can call it “Medical CAIR…”

Teaching Diversity In Medical Care
The Tampa Tribune
Published: September 17, 2008

UNIVERSITY AREA – When it comes to medical care, not all people are comfortable with the same treatments and procedures.

To better treat patients of varying ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, University Community Hospital’s Palliative Care Team recently started a cultural diversity program. The program revolves around a lecture series in which prominent men and women of different faiths will address the hospital community and answer questions about medical requirements, preferences and restrictions.

[Yeah…  Right….]

The first lecture took place Sept. 10 at Pepin Heart Hospital, where Imam Muhammad Sultan of the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay spoke about health care and the Muslim community. About 75 people from a variety of medical disciplines attended the event. Nurses, medical students, physicians, administrative staff and social workers were eager to learn and ask questions.

“I’m interested in learning more about the cultural differences in handling end-of-life issues,” said Nancy Angard, a registered nurse practitioner.

Zubair Faroqui, a physician and member of the Palliative Care Team, introduced the speaker.

“There is a large Muslim community in the Tampa Bay area, and it’s important to know how to respectfully treat the patients and their culture,” Faroqui said. “Imam Sultan is here to spread awareness and answer your questions.”

Sultan began his lecture by breaking the ice with a joke.

“Since it is election season, I have to say I approved this message,” he said with a smile.

Sultan then outlined some basic elements of the Muslim faith. He explained that there is one creator who has authority over mankind, life and the universe. Muslims believe in life after death and that each human being is assigned a time of death.

“When it is your time, an angel comes and takes your soul away,” Sultan said. “It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing; when it’s time, it’s time.”

Sultan explained that medical professionals must treat Muslim women with extra care and respect their privacy. Male doctors should ask before touching and, when possible, a female doctor is preferred. Muslim women should be kept covered as fully as possible, even after death.

Within the Muslim faith, organ donation is not permitted after death. Decisions regarding life support are left to the family. Still, brain death is considered a valid definition of death within the culture.

[Not true!  Organ donation IS permitted, they just don’t want their organs going to non-Muslims…]


McCain Calls Obama to Task Over Fannie Freddie

17 September, 2008