Archive for the ‘Myth Busting’ category

Expensive USDA “Cultural Sensitivity” Training Teaches That The Pilgrims Were Illegal Immigrants

15 February, 2013

Pilgrims were “Illegal Aliens?”  

Uh…  No, they weren’t.  Technically, for that to be true, the Americas would have had to have had some form of government that specifically made it illegal to enter into the Americas without authorization.

However, that being said, IF the Pilgrims WERE illegal aliens, wouldn’t that just bolster the sentiment that we need to secure our borders?

By the way, the guy shown conducting these “Cultural Sensitivity” workshops is Samuel Betances.  He claims to be an associate of ex-Chicago Mayor, Richard Daily.  However, I’m dubious of that claim, since Mr. Betances is quoted as saying that ex-Mayor Daily tapped him when he “needed people “to talk across racial lines” in 1960s riots.”  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember Richard Daily even being in politics until 1969.  Just my two-bits:

JW Releases Confidential USDA Videos Revealing “Cultural Sensitivity Training” Program

Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released previously unseen USDA videos revealing a compulsory “Cultural Sensitivity Training” program requiring USDA employees to bang on tables, chanting in unison “The pilgrims were illegal aliens” while being instructed to no longer use the word “minorities,” but to replace it with “emerging majorities.” Judicial Watch received the videos pursuant to a May 18, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The sensitivity training sessions, described as “a huge expense” by diversity awareness trainer and self-described “citizen of the world” Samuel Betances, were held on USDA premises. The diversity event is apparently part of what USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack described in a memo sent to all agency employees as a “new era of Civil Rights” and “a broader effort towards cultural transformation at USDA.” In 2011 and 2012, the USDA paid Betances and his firm nearly $200,000 for their part in the “cultural transformation” program.

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 1“If you take a look at all of you here and you think about your salaries and your benefits and what you have left undone – plus my fee – plus the expense of the team that putting the video together, this is a huge expense”:

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 2“I want you to say that American was founded by outsiders – say that – who are today’s insiders, who are very nervous about today’s outsiders. I want you to say, ‘The pilgrims were illegal aliens.’ Say, ‘The pilgrims never gave their passports to the Indians.’” Betances also asked the audience, “Give me a bam,” after these statements, to which the audience replied in unison:

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 3“By the way, I don’t like the word ‘minorities.’ How about ‘emerging majorities?’”

“This USDA diversity training video depicts out-of-control political correctness,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “Can someone please explain how any of this helps USDA employees to better serve the American taxpayer? This video further confirms that politically-correct diversity training programs are both offensive and a waste of taxpayer money. No wonder it took over half a year to obtain this video from the Obama administration.”


Mich: 8th Grade Students Receive Reply From Obama Concerning Fracking Letter

7 February, 2013

Never mind that the supposed documentary “Gasland” is an easily debunked piece of enviro-trash entertainment and should NEVER be confused with real science.  

Never mind that an 8th grade science teacher is indoctrinating her students with this tripe.  

Never mind that even the director of “Gasland,” Josh Fox, has admitted that there have been news reports of residents in Colorada igniting their tap water since the 1930’s—long before fracking was even invented!  


Never mind all that.  

The important thing, according to this so-called “journalist,” and others, is that Obama wrote back to some of his brainwashed minions and, they are absolutely  “stoked!”:


Lakeview Students Stoked About Receiving Letter From President


LAKEVIEW, Mich. — Cari Scholtens teaches some very advanced 8th grade science students at Lakeview High School. Now one of them has a letter from the president of the United States.

When Scholtens was teaching the topic of hydrology, a fellow teacher suggested she educate the students about groundwater pollution. Scholtens had learned a bit about hydraulic fracturing while in college, so she too was interested in learning a bit more. Scholtens chose the documentary ‘Gasland’ by Josh Fox, in which Fox takes a journey across country uncovering what he calls as lies, secrets, and contamination.

“Them setting the tap water on fire, really made me upset,” student Mitchell Englund said. ”I did not realize you could do that with tap water.”

At the end of the movie, there is a call for action, and Scholtens’ students were fired up. They decided to write letters to top officials, and Mitchell wrote to President Obama.

Little by little, responses came back from U.S. senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin, followed by one from Governor Rick Snyder’s office. But on Monday, a big surprise showed up to Lakeview High School.

“I got called to the office and I thought I might be in trouble and I saw where the envelope was from and I started freaking out,” Mitchell said.

Along with the letter, there was an autographed picture of President Obama, too. All of the letters the class received are in frames, and Mitchell said he is going to hold onto his very tightly.

“They were celebrities here and they still are,” Scholtens said. “Kids are always asking Mitchell to see the letter and to see his picture, I mean to have those things, that’s something he’s going to have the rest of his life.”

Yeah…  Betcha’ a sawbuck that his signature, like so much of his presidency, was auto-penned.


Ted Nugent to Piers Morgan: You Are So Full of Crap!

5 February, 2013

Ted Nugent doing what he does best:   Giving voice to about 100 million gun owners in America!:

The Cliff Notes are as follows (via

Piers Morgan took his Monday CNN show on the road to a Texas gun shop to continue what guest Ted Nugent called his “crap” crusade against gun rights.

“First of all, I’ve been monitoring your gun debates,” Nugent said. “Go ahead and take it to the bank: You’ll never understand. I really don’t believe you’ll ever grasp — you don’t understand that it’s a simple inanimate tool that tens of millions of American families own that have never caused a problem, never had an accident and will never commit a crime. You have these aberrations that are such a minute percentage.”

Morgan argued that 500,000 Americans a year are shot in gun fighting.

“[Y]ou are so full of crap,” Nugent shot back. “Listen to me. That statistic includes bad guys shot by cops and intruders shot by homeowners, so that figure is bogus. It’s not an accurate figure.”

“Do you care about murders, or do you only care about murders with guns?” Nugent continued. “I don’t think you do — I think you care about guns. I think you’re obsessed with guns. 99.999 percent of the gun owners of America are wonderful people that you are hanging around with here today. Perfectly safe. Perfectly harmless. Wonderful, loving, generous, giving, caring people. Would you leave us the hell alone?”

Nugent said Morgan’s focus should be on mental health and convicted criminals.

“We have a mad-man problem in America, where they’re running around. We have a felony recidivism problem in America. Let’s focus on that together, and leave the rest of us alone.”


City of Chicago’s Al Capone Era Less Violent Than Today’s Massive Gun Control Era

4 February, 2013

Yup.  Back when gangsters reigned supreme and Tommy guns were in the hands of just about everyone, Chicago was actually safer than it is today.

Seems when you take away a civilian’s right to carry a weapon for self defense, civility becomes the first casualty.

Also, since we are talking history, here, turns out that even the Wild West was less violent than Chicago, too!  So, stick that in your peace-pipe and smoke it, anti-gun Libtards! 

1920s gangster hit

Chicago murder rate far worse than during Al Capone ‘gangland’ days
Chuck Goudie

February 1, 2013 (CHICAGO) (WLS) — In this I-Team report, Chicago’s rising murder rate in a new context, how the numbers of shooting deaths compare to the city’s most notorious crime era, the one that has tarnished Chicago’s reputation around the world for a century.

The surprising stats show the city is worse off now in the category of murder than at the height of the era that has driven Chicago’s reputation for almost a century, Capone’s “gangland” Chicago.

Let’s compare two months: January 1929, leading up to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, and last month, January 2013. Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city’s most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties. January 1929 there were 26 killings.

Even though the image of Chicago, perpetuated by Hollywood over the years, was that mobsters routinely mowed down people on the streets, the crime stats tell a different story. January 2013’s bloodshed has caught the attention of Chicagoans, politicians, the White House and people around the world.

Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city’s most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties.

Even though the image of Chicago, perpetuated by Hollywood over the years, was that mobsters routinely mowed down people on the streets, the crime stats tell a different story. The figures from January 2013 are significantly higher than the January of Al Capone’s most famous year.


Analysis Of Mass Shootings Since 1999 Shows Handguns Are Overwhelmingly The Weapon of Choice

31 January, 2013

Fascist like Piers Moron and Diane FienSwine who want to take your guns away would have you believe that scary looking rifles are the primary culprits in mass shootings.  Unfortunately for them, an analysis of over a decade of mass shootings says semiautomatic handguns are the most commonly used weapon of choice .

So, why do these Lefturds want to get rid of your rifles?  Well, it’s quite obvious; they wish to reduce your ability to defend yourself against a tyrannical government.  

They’ve already taken away your Right to full auto weapons manufactured after 1986 via the Firearm Owners Protection Act’s Hughes Amendment—which, by the way, did not have enough votes to pass, so, in the middle of the night and under the cover of darkness,  Charles Rangel somehow managed to weazel, err, wrangle his way into presiding over the House that night.  Then, when the Hughes Amendment came up, he refused an actual vote tally on it and declared that it had passed the House.  Then, with the help of the NRA, they convinced Ronald Reagan to just ignore the Hughes Amendment and sign the bill into law.  This is why I  dropped my NRA membership in 1986 and have never re-joined.  The NRA is just too damn Liberal for me!

For video of what a sham the Hughes Amendment was, you should watch the proceedings of how it all went down in the House.  It’s available on YouTube HERE.

But, I digressed.  Anyway, back to the analysis of mass shootings:

If we were to jump on board the Knee-Jerk Express in order to “even save one child,” I’d say that all males between the ages of 17 and 48 should be executed.  It’s the only way to be sure 


Analysis of Mass Shootings Since 1999
(U//FOUO) The 29 mass shootings incidents since 1999 […] were analyzed to identify commonalities and trends. These include the following:

  • Males between the ages of 17 and 48 conducted all of the attacks but one.
  • The largest number of mass shootings – 13 of the 29 – occurred at the workplace and were conducted by either a former employee or relative of an employee.
  • All of the active shooters were single attackers, with the exception of two students who conducted the shootings at Columbine High School.
  • In most of the incidents – 20 of the 29 – the active shooters took their own lives or law enforcement was forced to shoot and kill them, thus leaving their true motives uncertain.
  • In only four of the 29 incidents were the shooters active or former members of the U.S. military.
  • Semiautomatic handguns are the weapon of choice for mass shootings.

Well, that’s the gist of the report. As far as these analyses go, it’s a fairly short report and well worth your time to read it by CLICKING HERE for the PDF.

More Debunking of AGW: Earth’s Surface Temperature Has Remained Relatively Stable for Past 16 yrs

15 October, 2012

Of course, the same Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist charlatans who tout every seasonal hurricane or heat wave as proof positive that AGW is real are suddenly embracing the notion that we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions based upon a mere 16 years of data:

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it
By David Rose – The Guardian UK

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week.

The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.

This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years.

The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued  quietly on the internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported.

This stands in sharp contrast  to the release of the previous  figures six months ago, which went only to the end of 2010 – a very warm year.

Ending the data then means it is possible to show a slight warming trend since 1997, but 2011 and the first eight months of 2012 were much cooler, and thus this trend is erased.


Here are three not-so trivial questions you probably won’t find in your next pub quiz. First, how much warmer has the world become since a) 1880 and  b) the beginning of 1997? And what has this got to do with your ever-increasing energy bill?

You may find the answers to the first two surprising. Since 1880, when reliable temperature records began to be kept across most of the globe, the world has warmed by about 0.75 degrees Celsius.

From the start of 1997 until August 2012, however, figures released last week show the answer is zero: the trend, derived from the aggregate data collected from more than 3,000 worldwide measuring points, has been flat.

Not that there has been any  coverage in the media, which usually reports climate issues assiduously, since the figures were quietly release online with no accompanying press release – unlike six months ago when they showed a slight warming trend.

The answer to the third question is perhaps the most familiar. Your bills are going up, at least in part, because of the array of ‘green’ subsidies being provided to the renewable energy industry, chiefly wind.


[A]ccording to increasing numbers of serious climate scientists, it does suggest that the computer models that have for years been predicting imminent doom, such as  those used by the Met Office and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are flawed, and that the climate is far more complex than the models assert.


Elizabeth Warren’s Great-Great-Great Grandfather Helped Round Up Cherokees and Drive Them from Their Land

8 May, 2012

Elizabeth Warren’s unsubstantiated “Indian heritage” claim just gets funnier and funnier every time you start to dig a little deeper:

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears
by Michael Patrick Leahy – Big Government

For over a quarter of a century, Elizabeth Warren has described herself as a Native American.  When recently asked to provide evidence of her ancestry, she pointed to an unsubstantiated claim on an 1894 Oklahoma Territory marriage license application by her great-great grand uncle William J. Crawford that his mother, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandmother, was a Cherokee.

After researching her story, it is obvious that her “family lore” is just fiction.

As I pointed out in my article here on Sunday, no evidence supports this claim. O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford had no Cherokee heritage, was listed as “white” in the Census of 1860, and was most likely half Swedish and half English, Scottish, or German, or some combination thereof. (Note, the actual 1894 marriage license makes no claim of Cherokee ancestry.)

But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee—the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.


Hey, States, Want to Increase Your Tax Revenue? Lower Your Cigarette Taxes!!!

8 May, 2012

Here’s the bottom line:  Due in large part to Obama’s SCHIP law, cigarette taxes are astronomical.  Because of this, die-hard smokers are forced to save their money by buying cigarettes from the black market.  Therefore,  the states are no longer collecting a large part of that revenue they were expecting from cigarettes.

So, if the states want to collect more revenue from cigarettes, they need to lower their cigarette taxes.

It’s a classic Laffer Curve:

NH Cig Tax Revenue Beats Estimates Following Tax Cut

Breitbart BigGovernment

April revenues have been totaled in New Hampshire, and there is more good news for advocates of last year’s cigarette tax cut. In the fourth month of the year, revenues from the tax were up and cigarette tax revenue continues to outperform estimates.

This follows news that in February, the cigarette tax had brought in about $1 million more than estimates had projected. Reports also indicated that in January, revenue from the tax had exceeded estimates.

New Hampshire’s revenue picture otherwise looks somewhat bleak, however. According to the Union Leader:

The big drag on April, which is the second-biggest revenue month of the fiscal year, is the business-profits tax, which Friday was $14.4 million below expectations. That was somewhat offset by the business-enterprise tax, which was $6.3 million more than anticipated, but still leaves business taxes about $8 million below estimates.

Overall, with two business days to go, revenues were $12.4 million below projections for April.

Expect a debate to ensue about how to close this gap moving forward, with Republicans defending policies like the cigarette tax cut and Democrats arguing for tax increases.

Discrimination Has Its Place

8 May, 2012

Some interesting points to consider:

Bigotry on the ballot? No, dishonesty in the editorial
by Albert Mohler – via

May 7, 2012 ( – Many of the nation’s leading newspapers serve as advocacy agents for the normalization of homosexuality and the legalization of same-sex marriage. Leading this charge for some time, The New York Times regularly promotes same-sex marriage in its editorials and news coverage. Even so, the paper’s latest editorial serves as a display of how the argument for homosexual marriage is often pressed with what can only be described as undisguised intellectual dishonesty.

In “Bigotry on the Ballot,” the paper editorialized against Amendment One, the effort to amend the constitution of North Carolina in order to preclude the legal recognition of same-sex marriage. That question will be put before the voters of North Carolina on May 8, and the result will be an important signal of where the nation now stands on the question. No similar effort has yet failed when put before the voters of a state, but polls indicate that the vote in North Carolina may be close.

The editorial begins:

“North Carolina already has a law barring same-sex marriage, but the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature is not satisfied. It devised a measure to enshrine this obvious discrimination in the State Constitution and placed it on the ballot of the state’s May 8 primary election — a test of tolerance versus bigotry that ought to be watched closely nationwide.”

The paper has every right to editorialize as it chooses, and an editorial against Amendment One is no surprise to any informed reader of that paper. But look closely at the language used. The effort to limit marriage to the union of a man and a woman is described as “obvious discrimination.”

That is meant to insinuate that the effort is therefore wrong, and even immoral. But that is just not intellectually honest. Discrimination — even “obvious discrimination” — is not necessarily wrong at all. Indeed, any sane society discriminates at virtually every turn, as do individuals. The law is itself an instrument of comprehensive discrimination. We classify some crimes as misdemeanors and others as felonies. We allow some persons to teach in our schools, but not others. We recognize certain persons as citizens, but not others.

Often, we discriminate on moral terms. No sane person would ask a convicted child molester to be a baby sitter. No sane society would elect a known embezzler as state treasurer. These acts of discrimination are necessary and morally right.

CLICK HERE to continue reading


U.S. Most Charitable Nation in the World

21 December, 2011

Just thought I’d throw this out there.  Who knows?  You can always use it as ammunition when sparring with some anti-American idiot on the web:

U.S. jumps to top of charity index

By Lauren Markoe| Religion News Service – WaPo

WASHINGTON — Americans: the most generous people in the world. In this season of giving, that’s no idle gloat.

According to a new study, the United States tops a massive global charity survey, rising from fifth place in 2010.

The “World Giving Index,” based on 150,000 interviews with citizens of 153 nations, ranks the U.S. highest on a scale that weighed monetary donations, volunteer work, and willingness to help out a stranger.

“In spite of economic hardships and uncertainty in the future, the American spirit is caring and strong, as these survey findings clearly show,” said David Venne, interim CEO of CAFAmerica, the Virginia-based charities consultant that released the results of the index.
