Archive for the ‘Obsession’ category

Lunatic or Patriot?

18 February, 2010

By now, you have probably heard the story; another pissed off American has attacked another government building. Although workplace violence is not new or unfortunately even rare. Attacking Government infrastructure is rare. This was not a pissed off worker, it was a pissed off and disillusioned citizen. Seen any of those around lately? Thankfully, attacking our own does not seem to be increasing-yet.

Read the attackers rant carefully. Decide for yourself-lunatic or the shape of things to come. I will comment sporadically in an attempt to add insight. After years of watching the worst of humanity act out their impulses, I shamefully admit that I understand the rage and worse it does not surprise me. Violence is rarely the answer, it is a coward’s way but those in power despite the rhetoric rarely understand the message-they are pushing people to their limits. No sensitivity classes and flowerily speeches will change the facts the people are in pain and wounded animals are dangerous.

18 Feb, 10, FOX
Joseph Stack Suicide Manifesto
If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this have to happen?” The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been coming for a long time. The writing process, started many months ago, was intended to be therapy in the face of the looming realization that there isn’t enough therapy in the world that can fix what is really broken. Needless to say, this rant could fill volumes with example after example if I would let it. I find the process of writing it frustrating, tedious, and probably pointless… especially given my gross inability to gracefully articulate my thoughts in light of the storm raging in my head. Exactly what is therapeutic about that I’m not sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
-This is his justification to himself. He had already decided on a plan. This was just motivation to act on it.

We are all taught as children that without laws there would be no society, only anarchy. Sadly, starting at early ages we in this country have been brainwashed to believe that, in return for our dedication and service, our government stands for justice for all. We are further brainwashed to believe that there is freedom in this place, and that we should be ready to lay our lives down for the noble principals represented by its founding fathers. Remember? One of these was “no taxation without representation”. I have spent the total years of my adulthood unlearning that crap from only a few years of my childhood. These days anyone who really stands up for that principal is promptly labeled a “crackpot”, traitor and worse.
-Catch that? What is worse than a traitor?

While very few working people would say they haven’t had their fair share of taxes (as can I), in my lifetime I can say with a great degree of certainty that there has never been a politician cast a vote on any matter with the likes of me or my interests in mind. Nor, for that matter, are they the least bit interested in me or anything I have to say.

Why is it that a handful of thugs and plunderers can commit unthinkable atrocities (and in the case of the GM executives, for scores of years) and when it’s time for their gravy train to crash under the weight of their gluttony and overwhelming stupidity, the force of the full federal government has no difficulty coming to their aid within days if not hours? Yet at the same time, the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies. Yet, the political “representatives” (thieves, liars, and self-serving scumbags is far more accurate) have endless time to sit around for year after year and debate the state of the “terrible health care problem”. It’s clear they see no crisis as long as the dead people don’t get in the way of their corporate profits rolling in.
-This is the real danger the majority of Americans agree at least according to the polls. How many more will act on it depends on the same people that have shown an amazing ability to ignore those people. (more…)

Hip Shot: “Headscarf and the Angry Bitch”

16 July, 2009

Zehra Fazal
I know you think you are seeing things-Ronin posting an article about a female muslim comedian?

I am doing so for a few reasons, mostly because she is proof of what I have said many times-if islam is going to change the women will bring the change. Her act would get her injured or worse in most islamic countries and is risky here but by using humor to expose ancient stereotypes, practices and prejudice she can influence muslims to take a hard look at islams dark side. Most muslims ignore the truth she could change that.

Review by Mike Riggs, Jul. 16, 2009

You can see her Performances here:

17-18 July
Warehouse next Door
1021 7th St, NW
Wash DC

-These shows are in the Washington DC area, there are always funny people in that town. It is either laugh at them or cry, your pick.

They say: “Join Zed Headscarf on a tongue-in-cheek romp through faith and growing up Muslim in America. Featuring hits like ‘The Only Thing I’ll Do Five Times a Day is You’ and ‘I Lost My Virginity During Ramadan.’ This beef ain’t halal!”
-Why do i think that somewhere in Saudi Arabia a minion is issuing a fatwa against this young woman?

Mike’s take: The future of American-Islamic relations could hinge on this one-woman show. Before Muslim folk-rocker Zed Headscarf (Zehra Fazal) got involved, America’s most memorable depictions of Islam were a.) Lil Kim sporting a hijab and not much else on the cover of One World and b.) that episode of Southpark wherein the boys travel to Afghanistan to return a mail-order goat to its starving family. (And to kill Osama bin Laden, who, in the words of Cartman, “has a small penis.”) No wonder those pious clerics up and declared America’s objectification of women and obsession with dick jokes as deserving of–dare I say it?–jihad! Zed Headscarf, infidel-licking lesbian though she be, really could change all that.
-I hope she can leave the DC area and find a venue in a descent town, you know one with a better class of people. (more…)

We are Number One!

9 July, 2009

Eat that you pinko commie congressional asshats, we are going to rebuild the global economy all by ourselves by purchasing large amounts of weapons and ammunition. If you want to know why we need them look in a mirror. Btw, congress you suck.

I here by officially support the GRIP program (Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians). If one of you readers puts that on cafepress and you sell a few hats, t-shirts etc, slip me a few bucks. BTW, you people in congress suck. Did I mention congress sucks?

9 July 2009, NewsMax
GENEVA — American demand for handguns has fueled a 28 percent jump this decade in world exports of pistols, rifles, shotguns and other small arms, a global report said Thursday.
-Buy um boys and girls, get um while they are still warm.

The 2009 Small Arms Survey reported that the Untied States alone was responsible for about half of the worldwide increase in legal international gun sales between 2000 and 2006. The U.S. now accounts for over half of the world’s imports of pistols and revolvers and 45 percent of shotguns, it said.
-Yippie, we are number one, we are number one. Congress sucks (It sounds better if you sing it aloud)

“No other country imports more than 4 percent of the global total,” the 344-page report found.
-You foreigners are a buncha pansies (not you Gramfan, I still luv ya)

It illustrated how U.S. purchases of hand guns – which averaged $173 million annually – have driven a sharp rise in exports from a number of countries.

Austria remained the world’s largest seller of pistols and revolvers with a 25 percent jump since 2000. Seventy-five percent of its exports go to the United States. Croatian exports soared almost 24 times in value since the start of the decade. The U.S. accounted for 98 percent of its 2006 sales of $27 million.
-Ok, since you people are not Americans let me explain this to you. Build um bigger. The first country to build a pistol strong enough to break the shooters wrist when fired will sell everyone they can build. (more…)

Sheriff in L.A. Submits to Islam

17 October, 2008

Chris sent us the following email:

Dear Dr. Bulldog,

Perhaps your readers need a break from the Presidential Political Campaign. Here is another story that isn’t getting much attention. The well-known Sheriff of Los Angeles county joined a gaggle of dhimmis in a news conference to condemn the award-winning film Obsession which was distributed to about 26 million people in the last month or so. Here are some of my views which are free to draw from, as well as some documents posted on the Internet.

Los Angeles

As a Los Angeles County resident, I was dismayed that our County Sheriff would join the Muslim Public Affairs Council in a press conference condemning the award-wining documentary Obsession on October 13. Apparently, this anti-terrorism film was re-cast as a piece of anti-Muslim hate speech. I wonder if Sheriff Baca actually saw the film. (See attached documents.)

In a statement signed by Sheriff Baca and host of assorted religious and civic notables called the Coalition for Renewing American Democracy, the group said,

We would like to invite those who seem so eager to influence American public opinion against Muslims to engage with us in a conversation about what it means to be an American: about our beliefs, and the need to treat each other with respect across the issues that divide us.

I am recommending that readers rise up to that challenge. Here are suggestions from the attached FrontPageMagazine article, as well as my own:

1. The Muslim Public Affairs Council is an organization identified as a California-based Muslim Brotherhood front. The Muslim Brotherhood is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation prosecution in Texas. Al Qaeda’s number two leader, Ayman al-Zawahri joined the Muslim Brotherhood at age 14 and continues to advocate their jihadist goals. The Muslim Brotherhood has been banned in the country that spawned it, Egypt, since their assassination of President Anwar Sadat. As stated in the organization’s charter and on its website, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to install an Islamic empire ruled under Sharia Law and a Caliphate across the Muslim world and ultimately the entire world, through stages designed to “Islamisize,” incrementally, targeted nations — which includes the United States. All of this is spelled out in “Ikhwan (Brotherhood) in America” which can be viewed on the Internet.

Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West

21 September, 2008

This morning I was pleasantly suppressed to find a copy of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” in the Sunday Tampa Tribune. The timing could not have been better – one day after a massive terrorist attack and the last Sunday before the end of ramadan.

No doubt, Tampa was not the only city to benefit from the copies supplied as paid advertisements by the Clarion Fund. No doubt, as the left awakes, complaints, cries of racism, hate speak and islamophobia will grow to deafening proportions. The uninformed will complain of stereotypes, bias, and will once again play the “all religions are bad” card. Most of them will not watch the video or attempt to find any other ideology besides islam that allows thousands of crazed – gun wielding masked supporters to march down main streets while thousands cheer them on. They will forget about the hundreds of thousands of preachers of hate scattered all over the world and the actions of the brain washed youth who will listen and obey them. The “clerics” are just as responsible for the crimes of islam as the murderous youth they teach.

Despite our best efforts, some people will ignore the evil ministers of islam bent on furthering their hordes. You know the ones; they want you and me dead. We will always have liberals too quick to judge while ignoring all evidence to the contrary. We cannot save those people; they are so worried that they will appear intolerant that they will gladly surrender themselves and their families to enslavement, death or forced conversion.

Kaaba to be draped with a $5-million silk covering

13 December, 2007

Home of the Moon God
I could have easily found a less expensive animal secretion to cover it with but this is good news not bad. 5 Million dollars will not go to support terror, it will not cause anyone useful to die. I say useful because many elderly Muslims do die every year attempting to visit the home of the moon god. Many more Muslims find themselves victims of crime (mostly Muslims on Muslim) making the trip. Not for the faint of heart I encourage all Muslims to make the trip not one but every year. Give the rest of us a break. – h/t TNR

From correspondents in Middle East, 12/13/07
The Kaaba, a cube-shaped structure honoured by Muslims as the house of Allah, will be covered soon with a new 670-kg black silk blanket as part of the annual preparations for the holy Muslim Haj (pilgrimage), reports said Thursday.

The Kaaba cover, referred to as a ‘kiswa’ in Arabic, is made of black silk and adorned with phrases in praise of Allah, ornamented with 150 kg of gold and silver thread.

The 14-metre-long cloth has a gilded 95-centimetre belt along the top containing verses from the Koran in Arabic calligraphy within an arabesque frame.

Costing about $5.36 million, the kiswa took a whole year to produce in a specialised factory.

Every year the old kiswa is removed, cut into small pieces and gifted to certain individuals, visiting foreign Muslim dignitaries and organisations.

The area around the Kaaba is considered sacred, as moving around it is an integral part of the ritual of the pilgrimage to Mecca (the Haj).

About 1.4 million pilgrims from all over the world have arrived in Saudi Arabia since Monday, consuming more than 42 million loaves of bread and almost three million litres of water from the revealed Zamzam well near the Kaaba.

The Haj officially starts on December 19th.

Save your money. Saudi Intellectuals Move to Confront Smear Campaign

8 September, 2007

Bring it!
Look you Jihadi obsessed a-holes we are onto you. Got it? No amount of money will change that.

P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News
JEDDAH, 9 September 2007 — Seventy-three researchers from the Arab world, the United States, Europe, Russia and Japan are working to publish books under a Saudi-financed international project aimed at removing misconceptions about Islam and the Kingdom.
– Ok, let’s be honest for a few million I might take a day off. After I bought a few more infidel toys I would be back and you would need another 73 researchers. You can not cover up Islam or its evil agenda.

“The project will be launched shortly with the publication of eight books,” said Mohammed ibn Saud Al-Bishr, head of the scientific team for the project. He said the project was initiated by a group of Saudi intellectuals to confront smear campaigns against Islam and Saudi Arabia.
– Wow eight books, we only need one: the unholy koran. It sells you all out.

“Most of the writings and talks about Saudi Arabia and Islam are not based on facts and lacked objectivity and integrity,” he said.
– Bite me.

He said the books would be launched in Riyadh, London and Paris in order to achieve maximum publicity. It will be accompanied by seminars attended by Saudi and foreign intellectuals and academics.
– ROFLMAO, your going to sell books to Muslims to spin Islam. Great plan, you guys are past stupid.

The eight books are: “Address to the West: Views from Saudi Arabia”; “Saudis and Terrorism: A Global View”; “Social Reform: the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Saudi Arabia”; “Women in Saudi Arabia”; “Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Presents His Brother Christ to Humanity”; “Saudi Political System: A Legal View”; “Saudi Arabia in the Eyes of a Diplomat’s Wife”; and “Hundred Questions about the Kingdom”.
– I’m going to write me a book, mine will be called “Saudi’s are stupid” (more…)

‘Warriors’ take to streets and beyond

18 August, 2007

Angel of Death
This is an example of the moral equivalency argument run amuck. Reporters should report news and not make it or comment on it. If you casually read this, it seems to warn that organized religion is somehow a bad thing. It tosses all religious orders into one large basket to show all are morally equivalent with the others. We have exposed that lie a number of times but the left continues to use it. We see two big themes in this one article-religion is bad, which morphs into they are gaining political power (their real fear) and all religion is the same. It attempts to show that all religions have zealots. I smell an agenda here, let’s take a look.

By Mike Hughes
Gannett News Service
18 August, 2007
Amid the constant chaos of world politics, one trend seems consistent.
– So a single trend is behind global politics? That must be one serious and ominous power.

“To quote someone else, ‘God is on a winning streak,’ ” says CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
– When I was in uniform we joked about Christiane being the Angel of Death, every time she showed up the defecation would hit the rotary oscillator.

She views that streak in “God’s Warriors,” an ambitious documentary miniseries. On consecutive nights it sees changes made by Jewish, Arab and Christian zealots.
– The Z word. So religious people are all a threat? Or just the ones who use religion to set a base line set of rules to live by? Or is the real threat their political views? Why is the left on an anti religion kick? Did you catch the “Arabs” are zealots? Thankfully all the other Muslims must be ok.

The title shouldn’t be taken literally; this is rarely about actual warfare. “Only a … tiny minority uses violence or terror,” says Mark Nelson, head of CNN Productions.
– True out of the billions of religious followers only the Muslims commit very many religiously inspired acts of violence.

Most zealots stick to rallies, schools, protests and elections. Their religious views have made an impact.
– Finally we get to their real fear. Religious groups are demanding a set of rules be adhered too and this disturbs them.

In Egypt, Amanpour was surprised to be in the minority as a woman not wearing a head scarf. In her native Iran, she wore a scarf, then switched to a more-traditional headpiece before one interview.
– And this is relevant how?

This is not just an overseas or Muslim phenomenon, though. Amanpour also saw signs of U.S. religious expansion.
In Europe, Christianity is approached casually, Amanpour says. “It’s much more of a living religion in the U.S.”
That can start in the earliest years. “There are the academies and the home-schooling,” she says. “I didn’t know it existed in the numbers that it does.”
– The dreaded “home school”, it is very hard to push socialist agendas at home. Those tricky home schooled children do not get moral equivalency, PC BS crammed down their throats. (more…)

My Blatant Plug for, “Obsession”

26 September, 2006

Okay, I just had to plug the documentary, “Obsession – Radical Islam’s War Against the West.”

It’s not in any movie theater near you, but, you can purchase it online. (or, if you can’t wait, download it via a Torrent Tracker site, and THEN PAY FOR IT. – Lord knows I don’t want you doing anything illegal…)

I’ve watched it about five times already. The only reason I haven’t watched it more than that is because it is loaned out to my Mom, and it is making its way through the family network.

There’s some scary stuff in there that will leave you freaked out for at least a day or two, so be warned…

I call it, “The ‘feel good’ movie of the year…”