Archive for the ‘Abuse of Power’ category

TSA Ramps Up Propaganda for Kids

6 January, 2014

 Another day, another propaganda video for your kids to enjoy:

Hey kids, here’s a healthy dose of reality with a grope and search:

I wonder why TSA didn’t include that in their info-cartoon…

Amid Looming “Catastrophic” Shutdown of the Federal Government, Obama Goes Golfing

30 September, 2013

Obviously, we don’t have a President.   We have a slacker-in-chief:

SadHill 02 Obama golfing through crisis

As Crisis Unfolds, Obama Sets Personal Golf Record
by KEITH KOFFLER – White House Dossier

As the House moved Saturday toward passing legislation that will likely result in a government shutdown, President Obama excused himself to play his customary Saturday golf, a round that set a record for most golf outings in a year since he became president.

It is perhaps emblematic of his declining influence on Capitol Hill that Obama chose not to work to affect the outcome of one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in years and instead engaged in his favorite recreational activity.


For the record, that’s 35 rounds of golf just this year, alone!   Obviously, this is another “historic” milestone for Obama, as his previous record for hitting the links was 34 in 2011. 

Lawsuit Filed Against Texas School For Punishing Student Who Refused to Recite The Mexican Pledge of Allegiance

28 February, 2013

Because Texas had the audacity to refuse Obama’s Core Curriculum, along with the associated textbooks, they are under a major attack from the Progressive Commies who have flocked to Texas in an attempt to turn the state Blue. 

In the near future, expect to see more examples of teachers in Texas bullying students into compliance with Progressive ideals:

Brenda Brinsdon

In one Texas School, Students have the Right to Opt-Out of Reciting the American Pledge of Allegiance . . . but Not the Mexican Pledge; Lawsuit Filed

ANN ARBOR, MI – Just as the 2011 school year began, Brenda Brinsdon, then a 15 year-old sophomore at Achieve Early College High School (AECHS) in McAllen Texas, was thrust into the national spotlight after she refused to stand up, extend her arms straight out with palms down and recite the Mexican Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Mexican National Anthem.  Reyna Santos, the Spanish 3 teacher, required all her students to recite this allegiance to Mexico. Click here to see local news coverage.

When the time came for the students to stand up and recite the Mexican pledge, Brenda Brinsdon refused.   Brenda, born in the United States, is the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and an American father.  Brenda is fluent in Spanish and English and is proud of her Mexican heritage, but she is a true blooded American.  So to Brenda, the words of the pledge have a deep meaning. Her conscience and patriotism would not allow her to participate in the assignment.  She believed it was ‘un-American and she was exercising her constitutional right not to be forced to pledge allegiance to Mexico.  The school punished her for her refusal.

As a result, the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, along with local Texas attorney Jerad Najvar, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Brenda and her father William Brinsdon claiming that school officials violated Brenda’s  constitutional rights. Click here to read the federal lawsuit.

Ironically, the assignment to recite the Mexican pledge was given during the school’s celebration of Freedom Week, marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks and also on U.S. Constitution Day.  According to the McAllen School District policy for Special Programs, social studies classes during Freedom Week were required to recite the text of the Declaration of Independence.  However, excusals from recitation are granted for students who have a conscientious objection.

The longstanding Supreme Court decision, West Virginia State Bd. of Educ. v. Barnette, (1943), and the school district’s own policy prohibit a school from compelling students to recite the American Pledge of Allegiance.  However, the School District ignored those rules when Brenda Brinsdon refused to recite the Mexican pledge.

Brenda’s refusal was not well received by her teacher, Reyna Santos, or the school principal, Yvette Cavasos.  Both tried to coerce her to recite the Mexican pledge, saying this was just an assignment.  Brenda attempted to discuss reasons for her refusal to pledge allegiance to a country other than the United States with both Santos and Cavasos. When Brenda did not back down, she was punished.


West Point Teaches Cadets That Conservatives Are Terrorists

21 February, 2013

Of course, Obama has been given the green light to kill American “terrorists” without due process of law.

Nope.  I don’t see any problems there…  /sarcasm:


West Point Cadets Taught Patriots Are Terrorists

By Victor ThornAmerican Free Press

• Influential study published by an Israeli academic at America’s top military school seeks to brainwash future military leaders into believing those who advocate small government, individual sovereignty, freedom and liberty are the enemy

At West Point where cadets are groomed into officers, a new 148-page report released on January 15 is urging enlisted men and women to be on alert for “terrorists” in the form of those who consider themselves patriots.

This study, released by the United States Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center, is entitled “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right.” Its author, Professor Arie Perliger, the Director of Terrorism Studies at the Combating Terrorism Center and Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at West Point, holds membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as well as being a former instructor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Considering his background, Perliger warns that growing legions of conservative-minded citizens across the U.S. pose a serious threat to our nation’s safety. Yet, whom precisely does Perliger deem as being affiliated with what he labels the “violent far right?”

In his own words, Perliger placed a bulls-eye on those who “espouse strong convictions regarding the federal government, believing it to be corrupt and tyrannical, with a natural tendency to intrude on individuals’ civil and constitutional rights.”

Even more specifically, Perliger asserted that other so-called extremists fall into the categories of anti-federalists, fundamentalist Christians, survivalists, gun-rights advocates, libertarians, pro-lifers, and those who oppose high taxation.

Not content with simply fingering these broad-reaching factions, Perliger zeroed in on another favorite globalist target. “Some groups are driven by a strong conviction that the American political system and its proxies were hijacked by external forces interested in promoting a New World Order.”

This umbrella characterization includes constitutionalists, those wary of a growing police state, and political activists such as some tea partiers. Thus, by using manipulative, emotionally-charged language intended to divide-and-conquer, Perliger equates those interested in preserving their individual freedoms with skinheads, neo-Nazis and militia members. Or, even more condescendingly, he smears conservatives as being backward, archaic and living in an era that has passed them by. In contrast, Perliger applauds liberals as future-oriented and progressive in their views.

Dr. Herbert W. Titus, a constitutional law professor and former dean of the Regent University School of Law “says it’s an attempt to link conservative thought with violence.”


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this post over at American Free Press.

Ohio Poll Worker Update: Now Suspected of Voting At Least 6 Times For Obama!

19 February, 2013

But, voter ID laws are racist, doncha’ know:

Melowese Ricardson - Voter fraud poll worker ohio

Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012? Ohio poll worker target of investigation

By Eric Shawn – FOX News

The Obama/Biden lawn sign remains proudly planted in front of Melowese Richardson’s Cincinnati home, three months after the presidential election.

It seems that President Obama has an especially ardent supporter in the veteran Ohio poll worker.

Richardson told a local television station this month that she voted twice for Obama last November. She cast an absentee ballot and then voted at the polls as well.

“Yes, I voted twice,” Richardson told WCPO-TV. “I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls.”

Authorities also are investigating if she voted in the names of four other people, too, for a total of six votes in the 2012 presidential election.

“I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States,” Richardson vowed when asked about the voter fraud investigation that is now under way.

Richardson is one of 19 people suspected of illegal voting by the Hamilton County Board of Elections in the last election.


“It appears she not only attempted to vote more than once, but was actually successful at it and having those additional votes counted,” Ohio Secretary of State John Husted, who is in charge of the state’s elections, told Fox News.

“She appears to have used her position as a poll worker to cover her tracks. That would be someone who is an official in the elections process, using that position to commit a fraud. That is especially troubling to me, as the chief elections officer of the state, because it is my responsibility to make sure the system runs effectively, that it has integrity.




Ronin’s Common Sense Solutions to Gun Control Measures

14 February, 2013

By Ronin, 14 Feb 13 With all the calls for common sense gun control measures like the recent NY ban on what idiots refer to as “assault” weapons”, “large clips” and sensible solutions like weapon registration, limits to ammo etc.  I thought I would add a little stick to stir the pot. 

The easiest way to fight back is not to play their game.  No living politician wrote the constitution and none of them can change it.  Politicians will attempt to force compliance with a variety of measures from painting those that refuse as criminals, insane, dangerous, outlaws.  They will also offer rewards and pick a few misguided cowards (those that do as they say) and parade them around in the press as heroes (after all they surrendered their guns).

Educate each other, hunters and sportsmen, and legitimate gun owners as the media refer to us are all in this together.  Unfortunately a few will drink the cool-aid, remind them once we are divided we are easily all disarmed.   We are only demanding our rights be respected; we do not all live in a gated community with armed guards.   If we are ever disarmed, immediately start making demands that police are also.  We can win without breaking laws using civil disobedience, outright resistance and refusal and only as a last resort, unlawful methods.  Face it, we or one of our kind, will instantly turn from law abiding citizen to felon overnight at that point you have very little to lose.   

So what to do?  First and foremost do the research.  Identify everyone that voted for any restriction, call them, write them or visit them.  Let them know using any method that you can that you will never again vote for them or any other member of their political party.   Let them know that you will volunteer to help anyone running against them and follow through.  I suggest you publish your list and letters on facebook or similar social media so others can join in the ban the politician party.

It may be a small number but I believe at least some politicians are hoping for a few outraged gun owners to bunker up and fight to the death.  This will add endless proof that gun owners really are a problem.  Politicians would then call for confiscation, extreme criminal penalties for non-compliance and a host of other punishments.  Call their bluff; their worst nightmare is an outraged public asking why they are targeting citizens over criminals.  The closer to an election the better, trust me they do not want drama then.  Watch the blogs and watch and spread our outrage when these idiots actually grow a set and arrest someone for not registering a weapon.  We will expose, the who, what and why, that is what we do.  You can help. 

Because I think fighting first responders is wrong when politicians are the actual problem (and we can just vote those idiots out).  We need a nonviolent solution.  This would be the easy way to defeat this problem.  Monitor the crime stats for your area and call and report someone carrying an evil assault weapon in the most gang active area you can find.  Other options could also be fun, like tossing weapons in neighborhoods near the homes of officers, they leave those shiny cars in the driveway, report them for noncompliance.  If you get caught you were turning the weapon in, as framing an officer is not exactly legal but then again neither is placing limits on our 2nd amendment rights. I do not want to be a criminal, they have no right to make me one. (more…)

The Liberal Hatred of Guns is Really a Hatred of Individualism

13 February, 2013

Well, it’s kind of a slow news day.  That is, unless you buy into the Lame Stream Media’s spin and think a guy drinking water while giving a rebuttal to the SOTU address is somehow a major news item.  

News Flash!  Airplane lands safely at airport!  


Anyway, while I was catching up on the news and blog posts, I came across the following article by Neal Boortz and enjoyed it so much that I thought I’d share it with you all.



Why the Liberal Hatred of Citizens With Guns?

By Neal Boortz
2/13/2013 –

You’re snug in your cabin in the mountains outside of Big Bear, California. Snug, but fearful. They’re searching for a killer near you. A terrifying, heavily armed former cop from Los Angeles who has gone on a killing rampage.

Suddenly you hear gunshots. You part the curtains to look outside … and there’s the man whose picture you’ve seen countless times on TV over the past few days running toward your house as he returns fire to police officers in pursuit.

Just a few weeks ago you had been considering buying an AR-15 just in case it might be needed to defend your home from predators of the two and the four-legged variety. They don’t call the place Big Bear for nothing. You couldn’t buy one, though, because private ownership of these weapons had been outlawed. That didn’t stop the killer. He was carrying one … that along with several pistols. The law didn’t seem to deter him at all. The murderer was still far enough away that you could stop him with one shot through your window, but that option had been taken away by anti-gun zealots.

Somehow you don’t feel comfortable with only your handgun and it’s seven-shot magazine to protect you from this approaching danger. You know the killer, who is rapidly nearing your door, is much more heavily armed than you. Things aren’t looking all that rosy for you and your family right now.

Why did this have to happen? Why were these liberals — these Democrats — so hell-bent on reducing your capacity to act in your own self-defense in a situation just such as this?

Interesting question, isn’t it? Setting statistics aside — the statistics on the number of people shot by lunatics on killing sprees versus the statistics on the number of times a civilian uses a privately-owned firearm to defend themselves every year, usually without ever having to pull the trigger – leaving those statistics aside, just what is it about the liberal Democrat mind that brings forth this primal fear, this hatred of the idea that a private individual would own a gun and use that gun in self defense?

I think I have some ideas here. Let’s share:

The liberal penchant for gun control starts with their obsession with controlling the lives and actions of those considered to be their inferiors … and anyone not liberal is inferior. To amplify the point; progs believe that their innate intellectual superiority gives them a right to control the lives of the not-so-bright. You can only buy a 12 ounce soft drink, you ignorant fool. Stop putting all that salt on your food. You can’t negotiate your own contract with an employer. We’ll tell you how much you’re allowed to work for. Union membership is not a decision for you to make. We’ll make that decision for you. We know best. Do as we say and you’ll be just fine.


L.A. Residents Live in Fear of LAPD Mistaking Them For Chris Dorner and Shooting Them

12 February, 2013

Again, I would just like to point out that cops are, at a minimum, 11 times more likely to accidentally shoot an innocent person than are “civilian” gun owners (who, by the way, shoot and kill twice as many bad guys as the cops).

Apparently, the citizens of Los Angeles and surrounding areas are slowly coming to that realization and have taken it upon themselves to help the police out, just a little:

please don't shoot not chris dorner1

please dont shoot not chris dorner2

And, since it doesn’t matter to the LAPD what make, model, or color your truck is, if you live near L.A., you might want to consider purchasing the following bumper sticker from eBay:

dont shoot not dorner

Explosive New Book On Benghazi Claims Attack Was In Response to Secret Raids Conducted By John Brennan – Obama’s Pick for New CIA Head

10 February, 2013

Something tells me we will be hearing a lot about this book in the very near future…:

Benghazi - the definitive report - book cover

EXCLUSIVE: David Petraeus was brought down after betrayal by vengeful CIA agents and his own bodyguards who made sure his affair was exposed, claims new book

  • Brandon Webb, a former Navy SEAL, and Jack Murphy, a former Green Beret, reveal the new claims in their book ‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’
  • Petraeus was humiliated after a ‘palace coup’ by high-level intelligence officers who did not like the way he was running the CIA, authors say
  • The book also claims that Petraeus and Ambassador Chris Stevens were caught off guard by Benghazi consulate attack because they weren’t briefed about on-going U.S. military operations in Libya
  • Webb and Murphy say Benghazi attack was a retaliation for secret raids authorized by Obama security adviser John Brennan


David Petraeus was betrayed by his own bodyguards and vengeful high-ranking enemies in the CIA, who made sure his affair with his biographer was exposed to the public, a new book claims.

MailOnline can reveal a new angle on the story that rocked Washington last fall. It comes from two retired special operations commandos – a Navy SEAL and a Green Beret – who say they discovered a plot against the former CIA director while doing research about the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Senior CIA officers targeted Petraeus because they didn’t like the way he was running the agency – focusing more on paramilitary operations than intelligence analysis. They used their political clout and their connections to force an FBI investigation of his affair with Paul Broadwell and make it public, according to ‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report.’

‘It was high-level career officers on the CIA who got the ball rolling on the investigation. It was basically a palace coupe to get Petraeus out of there,’ Jack Murphy, one of the authors, told MailOnline.

Murphy and co-author Brandon Webb also revealed that the September 11 Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, was retaliation by Islamist militants who had been targeted by covert U.S. military operations.

The book claims that neither Stevens nor even Petraeus knew about the raids by American special operations troops, which had ‘kicked a hornet’s nest’ among the heavily-armed fighters after the overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

John Brennan, President Barack Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser, had been authorizing ‘unilateral operations in North Africa outside of the traditional command structure,’ according to the e-book. Brennan is Obama’s pick to replace Petraeus as head of the CIA.


Marines at Obama’s Inauguration Were Forced to Disabled Their Weapons

10 February, 2013

I fancy myself fairly well informed when it comes to Obama’s elitist, dictatorial policies, but even I was caught flatfooted on this one until Gateway Pundit’s, Jim Hoft, cast some light upon it, this morning.

Hey, Obama!   Paranoid, much?  

Pro tip for the Commander-in-Chief:  If you can’t even trust the Marines anymore, you’re doing something TERRIBLY wrong!:

Marines force to remove bolts from guns for Obamas inauguration

Disabled Marine rifles at inauguration signal shift in administration policy


“Didn’t know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”

The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article.

This prompted an internet search to see if others had also noticed, and the Blur-Brain blog had.

“The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round,” the post stated. “Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable.


Unsurprisingly, a Google news feed search finds no reports on inaugural Marine disarmament in the “Authorized Journalist” media. Chances are, most of them aren’t qualified to notice such things, and that it doesn’t serve the agenda of those who are to point such things out.

CLICK HERE to read this article in its entirety.