Archive for the ‘Fighting Back’ category

Lawmakers File Amicus With Court in Hobby Lobby Case: Corporations CAN Refuse Obamacare on Religious Grounds

21 February, 2013

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; despite “Constitutional Scholar” Obama’s claims to the contrary, you don’t give up your Rights just because you own a business:


For-Profit Businesses Have Right to Religious Liberty Too, Lawmakers Tell Court in Hobby Lobby Case

By Penny Starr

( – Republican members of Congress have weighed in on the legal battle being waged over the Obamacare mandate requiring employers to provide contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs to employees.

Eleven senators and congressmen filed an amicus brief, also known as a friend-of-the-court brief, with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit on Tuesday in support of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a Christian-owned and operated corporation that opposes the mandate based on its owners’ religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby filed suit against Health and Human Services and Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Rep. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was one of the lead sponsors of the Religious Freedom Reformation Act of 1993, which he said was designed to protect the religious liberty of all Americans, even those who own corporations or other for-profit businesses.

“As one of the lead sponsors of RFRA, it’s deeply troubling to see this White House trample on the religious freedom the law seeks to protect,” Hatch said in a written statement.

The brief states: “Amici are federal legislators who were part of the broad, bipartisan coalition that enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (“RFRA”). Amici designed and passed RFRA to establish a blanket default rule that would insulate religious liberty from the shifting fortunes of interest-group politics.

“Defendants have ordered that certain employers’ insurance plans must cover all FDA-approved contraceptives without cost-sharing (the “HHS mandate”), but have refused to exempt many employers with sincere religious objections. Amici have an interest in vindicating RFRA’s blanket protections against the selective and stingy approach adopted by Defendants.”

In addition to Hatch, the brief was signed by Sens. Dan Coats (R-Ind.), Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), and Reps. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), and Frank Wolf (R-Va.).


Ronin’s Common Sense Solutions to Gun Control Measures

14 February, 2013

By Ronin, 14 Feb 13 With all the calls for common sense gun control measures like the recent NY ban on what idiots refer to as “assault” weapons”, “large clips” and sensible solutions like weapon registration, limits to ammo etc.  I thought I would add a little stick to stir the pot. 

The easiest way to fight back is not to play their game.  No living politician wrote the constitution and none of them can change it.  Politicians will attempt to force compliance with a variety of measures from painting those that refuse as criminals, insane, dangerous, outlaws.  They will also offer rewards and pick a few misguided cowards (those that do as they say) and parade them around in the press as heroes (after all they surrendered their guns).

Educate each other, hunters and sportsmen, and legitimate gun owners as the media refer to us are all in this together.  Unfortunately a few will drink the cool-aid, remind them once we are divided we are easily all disarmed.   We are only demanding our rights be respected; we do not all live in a gated community with armed guards.   If we are ever disarmed, immediately start making demands that police are also.  We can win without breaking laws using civil disobedience, outright resistance and refusal and only as a last resort, unlawful methods.  Face it, we or one of our kind, will instantly turn from law abiding citizen to felon overnight at that point you have very little to lose.   

So what to do?  First and foremost do the research.  Identify everyone that voted for any restriction, call them, write them or visit them.  Let them know using any method that you can that you will never again vote for them or any other member of their political party.   Let them know that you will volunteer to help anyone running against them and follow through.  I suggest you publish your list and letters on facebook or similar social media so others can join in the ban the politician party.

It may be a small number but I believe at least some politicians are hoping for a few outraged gun owners to bunker up and fight to the death.  This will add endless proof that gun owners really are a problem.  Politicians would then call for confiscation, extreme criminal penalties for non-compliance and a host of other punishments.  Call their bluff; their worst nightmare is an outraged public asking why they are targeting citizens over criminals.  The closer to an election the better, trust me they do not want drama then.  Watch the blogs and watch and spread our outrage when these idiots actually grow a set and arrest someone for not registering a weapon.  We will expose, the who, what and why, that is what we do.  You can help. 

Because I think fighting first responders is wrong when politicians are the actual problem (and we can just vote those idiots out).  We need a nonviolent solution.  This would be the easy way to defeat this problem.  Monitor the crime stats for your area and call and report someone carrying an evil assault weapon in the most gang active area you can find.  Other options could also be fun, like tossing weapons in neighborhoods near the homes of officers, they leave those shiny cars in the driveway, report them for noncompliance.  If you get caught you were turning the weapon in, as framing an officer is not exactly legal but then again neither is placing limits on our 2nd amendment rights. I do not want to be a criminal, they have no right to make me one. (more…)

Boycott America

24 January, 2013

By Ronin, 24 January 2013

Now that our government has decided what type marriages we support, how our military should run, who should be allowed in our country and what benefits they will receive, how much free medical care that addicts should receive and how to force gun registration on us (among other stupid ideas).   I have decided to show the low life self-serving opportunists in Washington what I think of all these ideas.  Starting today I am officially not buying American.

Buying American provides jobs which means people can earn money and pay taxes.  By not buying American goods and products I am removing taxes from the thieves in Washington.   They cannot enforce policies that they cannot pay for.  So join me, stop buying American! (more…)

Ronin Rambles on Gun Control

18 January, 2013

By Ronin, 18 January 2013.

First let me start by admitting that I own no firearms (on paper).  The last weapon that I bought that had a paper work trail was over twenty years ago.  Personally I think any list that shows the types of weapons you own is inviting a confrontation between you and a thief.  Anyone working in any office with any database could sell, lose the data or it could be hacked, bottom line, make no list. 

You see guns I trust, its people that I have a problem with.  If I owned an impressive list of weapons and registered them with the government, local authorities or just the local gun club, that list would lead anyone that thinks they can own those same weapons for free right back to me.  For the protection of a potential thief I personally will never register another weapon.   I have already seen what happens to thieves, I am ok with keeping the rest far enough away that they can safely pass on by.  It doesn’t matter to me what laws are passed or not passed, I will never register another weapon or vote for anyone that even suggests that gun registration is a good idea, end of story.

I suggest that you all consider helping a thief live out their miserable lives by not listing your firearms on anyone’s list for any reason.  Some of you dependent on where you live might find that idea impractical or illegal, I got it.  You do what you have to do.  Just make me a promise that you consider anyone entering your home to remove a weapon to be a thief and we all know what thieves deserve. 

Every weapon that I have ever bought traded for or owned has been sold, swapped, traded for non-guns or went through so many friends and family members that even I could not track them back down.  Good luck to anyone tracking them.   As a matter of policy and because most of my friends tend to distrust those in authority, all of us will swear on a stack of holy books to anyone that asked about any weapon that we have never owned it, seen it or held it.  Then we will be very helpful pointing those same authorities to someone several states away.  Being civic minded like we are we love to help folks out. (more…)

Two Pig Heads Hung Outside of Mosque in France

2 August, 2012

2 pig heads hung outside mosque in France
AP – Via MyFoxNY

PARIS (AP) – Authorities say two pigs’ heads were found hanging outside a mosque in southern France.


Pigs are considered unclean by Muslims, who are forbidden from eating pork and are currently observing the holy month of Ramadan.

A statement from the office of Mayor Brigitte Bareges in Montauban said the heads were found attached to entrance pillars outside the Salam Mosque, with a large pool of blood on the ground below.

The mayor condemned “this odious and blasphemous act toward the Muslim community.”

Apparently, the killing of police and burning thousands of cars isn’t considered very odious and blasphemous to Mayor Bareges.  But, hang a couple of little piggy heads outside of a mosque in protest to the violence and suddenly YOU are the bad guy…  

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” – Isaiah 5:20

France has an estimated 5 million Muslims, a population that has struggled with discrimination.

Again with the victimhood mentality!  

The French have bent over backwards to accommodate the Muzzies, just to have them spit in their faces!  

Why not mention all those way too frequent Muslim riots and all those “no go zones” in France?  

Oh, wait… This article is from the Associated “with terrorists” Press.   Never mind.

It’s Brett Kimberlin Day!

25 May, 2012

In case you were not aware of it, Brett Kimberlin is a “home-grown” terrorist who went on a 6-day bombing spree in Indiana back in 1978.  The media dubbed him, “The Speedway Bomber.”  He was soon arrested and jailed.  He used his jail time to become a lawyer and then started harassing all the witnesses against him by suing them.  Had he stopped there, he would have just become another footnote in history.  However, he has some major Lefturd leanings and has taken it upon himself to intimidate and harass bloggers who are on the Right. 

Breitbart and his associates were the brunt of many attacks.

Of course, we on the Right are not going to sit idly by while this attack dog of the Left hunts us all down!   Lee Stranahan has set the ball rolling and designated today as Brett Kimberlin Day in which all of us bloggers would blog about Brett Kimberlin.  I, personally, have never had any interaction—that I am aware of—with Mr. Kimberlin.   However, there are others out there who have some crazy stories to tell!   I woke up early this morning specifically to have some time to read the articles and even I am impressed by the sheer number of bloggers who have been harassed and intimidated by Mr. Kimberlin!  Not only is the guy a Lefturd “h8r,” he is absolutely certifiable and needs to be committed ASAP before he gets someone else killed!

Anyway, there’s an intense piece over at Patterico’s Pontifications which I implore you to read in order to get a taste of his tactics and also his known associates:    CLICK HERE 

– Dr. Bulldog

1,911 Cats and Dogs Were Killed Last Year by PETA (95 Percent Euthanasia Rate)

27 February, 2012

Next time some Libtard starts heralding PETA, pull out this little factoid for some fun:

Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care
The Daily Caller

Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95 percent of the pets in its care in 2011.

The documents, obtained from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, were published online by the Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit organization that runs online campaigns targeting groups that antagonize food producers.

Fifteen years’ worth of similar records show that since 1998 PETA has killed more than 27,000 animals at its headquarters in Norfolk, VA.

In a February 16 statement, the Center said PETA killed 1,911 cats and dogs last year, finding homes for only 24 pets.

“PETA hasn’t slowed down its slaughterhouse operation,” said Rick Berman, CCF’s executive director. “It appears PETA is more concerned with funding its media and advertising antics than finding suitable homes for these dogs and cats.”

In a statement, Berman added that PETA has a $37 million dollar annual budget.

His organization runs, which reports that in 2010 a resident of Virginia called PETA and asked if there was an animal shelter at the group’s headquarters. PETA responded that there was not.

Tennessee Bill Banning Schools from Teaching Homosexuality to Younger Children Advances in House

16 February, 2012

Get ready for an onslaught of “outrage” from the League of Rump-Riders and their fatuous sycophants in the Lame Stream Media:

Tennessee’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill advances in House
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — AP via

A proposal that seeks to ban Tennessee public schools from teaching about gay issues is advancing in the House.

The proposal, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, passed the House Education Subcommittee on a voice vote Wednesday. House sponsor Joey Hensley added an amendment that mirrors the Senate version of the proposal, which passed last year.

The legislation limits all sexually related instruction to “natural human reproduction science” in kindergarten through eighth grade.

Opponents of the measure say it’s too broad and fear it would prevent teachers and others from speaking out against the bullying of gay teens.

Waah!  Hey, what about speaking out against the bullying of fat teens by the biggest bully of them all, Moochelle Obama?! 

Yup, that’s what I thought.  Crickets!

Nigerian Muslims Murder 30 Christians

7 January, 2012

No doubt, the minions will claim this is not islamic and demand that no one judge islam. That would be more believable if imams offered to attend Church services and serve as human shields. What a show of support and tolerance that would be. Keep reading and you will see the imams and political powers in Nigeria blame only the “southerners.” Something tells me the imams are behind it all.

It is interesting that the minions always refer to Christians only as “southerners” the implication being that all the violence would end if they just left. Surrender has never worked to calm islamic supremacy, it actually does the opposite and encourages and emboldens muslims.

Unlike some, I have no problem with the concept of take the fight to the enemy and using the right to self-defense. I would gladly send my hard-earned money to arm the Christians if it were possible and legal. Christians everywhere need to wake up and look past Nigeria. Why not just randomly pick any country with sizable Christian and muslim populations and just see if islamic attacks against the Christian faith are an anomaly in Nigeria or part of a global pattern. You should also stop supporting charities in islamic countries, many of you are providing passive support to those attacking your faith and passive support is still support. While you are at it, use sites like islamicfinder to find islamic owned businesses near you and then avoid them. Spend your hard-earned money only on societies compatible with your own.

Emma Amaize and Umar Yusuf in Yola, 7 January 2012, AllAfrika

The Boko Haram Islamic sect has made good its threat to attack Southerners living in the North as no fewer than 20 people from both the Igbo and Yoruba extractions were murdered in Mubi, Adamawa State between Thursday night and yesterday.

-Hopefully, the Christian counter attack will include enough brutality that the muslim community will ask boko haram to back off and let things settle down.

Eight other people, including six Christian worshippers, were killed and several others wounded in a Deeper Life Church in Gombe State just as an 80 year- old father, Musa Darkuwa and his son, Usman were killed in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State on Thursday night, bringing the number of those killed by suspected members of the sect in the two states within the period to about 30.

-Time to arm the Christians and beat the minions at their own game. Christians in the Philippines have proven that fighting back works. Churches should be offering to help fund a few trainers and advisers to help set up defenses and to train the Nigerian Christians in basic combat skills.

Wife of the Pastor Johnson Jauro of the Deeper Life Church was among those killed in the attack, even as two other victims in the state were killed in a hotel in the metropolis.Governor Ibrahaim Hassan Dankwambo of Gombe has always expressed shock over the mayhem unleashed on the Deeper Life Church.

The governor who visited the church yesterday in company of the State CAN Chairman, Reverend Abare Kalla, and many other state dignitaries, directed security agents to fish out the perpetrators of the crime, noting that the development was alien to Gombe.

-Notice that the governer stopped short of ordering protection for Churches and placing the police and military on alert to help combat boko haram. He has already chosen his side and it is not the same one as the Christians are on.

In Delta State, the police also confirmed that five people, including two policemen; an Assistant Superintendent and Inspector were killed by armed robbers in military camouflage. The others were a couple and their salesgirl in a jewellery shop in Warri.
Also, in what looked like a reprisal attack over the killings of Southerners by Boko Haram, enraged youths numbering about 2000 and armed with axes, cutlasses and other dangerous weapons yesterday went on rampage in Sapele, sacking and inflicting injuries on about 50 Muslims at the Hausa Quarters in the local government.

-The “enraged youths” did not go far enough, an eye for an eye. (more…)

Americans buy record numbers of guns for Christmas

2 January, 2012

I own no firearms (at least the registered variety) those things are dangerous. I stopped that nonsense years ago. Every weapon that could ever be traced back to me by old paper records has been sold, traded or given away. I own zero firearms, if you do not believe me then check the records, let the guvment find out where they went. Did I mention that I recently picked up a sweet little firearm like object capable of sending projectiles at high velocity? You have to love Christmas.

Now I am not advocating any of you to break any laws. I will simply remind you all that the biggest threat to your firearms might not be a sixteen year old thief crawling in your back window. If that is really what you are afraid of then by all means register one firearm just to be on the safe side should you feel the need to shoot a crack addicted teenager crawling through your window. Some of us have additional concerns past the punk kid.

By Nick Allen, Jan 3, year zero, the Telegraph
According to the FBI, over 1.5 million background checks on customers were requested by gun dealers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December. Nearly 500,000 of those were in the six days before Christmas.
-God bless all law abiding Americans.

It was the highest number ever in a single month, surpassing the previous record set in November.

On Dec 23 alone there were 102,222 background checks, making it the second busiest single day for buying guns in history.
-I feel liberals sweating

The actual number of guns bought may have been even higher if individual customers took home more than one each.
-Not likely, guns are expensive. Most bought only one.

Explanations for America’s surge in gun buying include that it is a response to the stalled economy with people fearing crime waves. Another theory is that buyers are rushing to gun shops because they believe tighter firearms laws will be introduced in the future.
-That would be my biggest concern if I owned any.

The National Rifle Association said people were concerned about self defence because police officer numbers were declining.
-I asked a few of my friends in the LEO community what they would do if ordered to seize weapons and all to a person said “quit” now do you feel safe? (more…)