Archive for 2 September, 2007

This Ain’t Your Parent’s School House Rock, Biatch!!!

2 September, 2007

As I was watching CNN today, I came across a segment in which Black Entertainment Television (BET) is using a rap video as a Public Service Announcement aimed at teens.

So, I decided to hunt down the uncensored version, which I present to you below.

After watching this video, I’m thinking about checking myself into the nearest mental health clinic for electroshock therapy ASAP — must erase bastardization of Beethoven’s 5th symphony…

It… Just… Keeps… Repeating…

In… My… Sub… Conscious…

(I now have a personal understanding of Alex’s little dilemma in A Clockwork Orange… It’s a sin! It’s a sin! Not lovely, lovely Ludwig!!!)

READ A BOOK – Warning: Graphic Rapper Language and Images

A Family In Despair

2 September, 2007

Gitmo the last stop for Nutjobs
Gretchen Parker, Tampa Tribune, Sep 2, 2007
MONCKS CORNER, S.C. – In a jail chapel, with two renderings of the Last Supper overhead, the family of a 21-year-old University of South Florida student gathered around him Saturday. His father did most of the talking, as they delivered the bad news. The accusations that he and a fellow student had a pipe bomb in the trunk of their Toyota Camry as they drove near a Naval weapons station had turned into a federal indictment. Their hopes that state charges, filed by South Carolina authorities, would be dropped after a hearing this month were dashed. Instead, the two now face the likelihood they’ll be held in federal custody without bail, their attorneys said.
– So far all good news.

Youssef Megahed’s reaction was shock, and then despair, his family said. Sitting in solitary confinement, he’s terrified of the warnings FBI agents have given him and his family – that he’ll be held interminably in a military prison like Guantanamo Bay.
– Excellent

Adding to their anxiety was a quote in the Charleston newspaper Saturday from the local sheriff, predicting Megahed and fellow student Ahmed Mohamed soon will be moved from this jail in Berkeley County to the brig on the nearby Naval complex. The Megaheds know the brig is used to hold prisoners the president has deemed “enemy combatants.”

Worse for Megahed’s father, Samir, was the moment he was leaving and saw Mohamed talking to his own attorney. Mohamed, teary, had also just heard about the indictment.

He hugged and kissed Samir and asked him to deliver a message to his own father in Egypt: “Tell my father I am not going to meet him in this life again.”
– Poor pop, who knew his kid was a terrorist?

Mohamed, 24, fears he will be imprisoned longer than his father will be alive, Samir said.
Samir stood with hands clasped, tears in his eyes, on Saturday as he related the story outside the Berkeley County Detention Center. His wife and three other children stood next to him, as they ducked out of a steady, gray rain and relived the miserable afternoon.
– It has always amazed me that Muslims show little regard for their family when they rush off to jihad. Who takes care of their parents as they age? Who builds a strong economic base to ensure the families future is stable? Do all Muslims hate their parents or just the Jihadi?

Mohamed, Samir said, was focused on the maximum 30 years that he faces if he’s convicted of the federal charges that are connected to, but more serious than, Megahed’s. Investigators say Mohamed tried to help terrorists by teaching and demonstrating how to use explosives. Authorities suspect the civil engineering student exchanged information over the Internet about how to miniaturize bombs.

That charge carries 20 years, in addition to the 10 years that both students face if convicted of transporting explosives. Federal authorities haven’t revealed exactly what kind of explosives were in the trunk of the car after the two were stopped for speeding on Aug. 4; a sheriff’s report described them as pipe bombs.

Federal investigators also haven’t revealed what was on the laptop they took from the car, which belonged to Mohamed.
– I’m sure it did not include a link to this website (more…)

Feds defend decision to associate with Muslim group

2 September, 2007

Dhimmihood or clever strategy? Are the Feds smart enough to build the trust of Muslims or being duped?

August 31, 2007

Facing criticism from a Michigan Congressman, the U.S. Department of Justice on Friday defended its decision to associate with a Muslim group at its annual convention this weekend.
– Needless to say the Congressman is right to ask a few questions.

U.S. Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) sent a letter on Tuesday to the Attorney General at the Department of Justice, slamming it for working with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a Muslim group that is holding its convention in Rosemont, Illinois, from Friday through Sept. 4.
– Do you think the Feds would build a relationship with a white power group?

“In light of the threat that our nation, and the world in general, is currently facing from radical Jihadists…we believe it is a grave mistake to provide legitimacy to an organization with extremist origins, leadership and a radical agenda,” said Rep. Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee. “Establishing a partnership with ISNA is exactly the wrong approach at this critical juncture in history, setting a precedent that radical Jihadists should be the conduit between the U.S. government and the American Muslim population, and we urge you to reconsider your decision to establish an official relationship with ISNA.” (more…)

Sunday Funnies

2 September, 2007









Nashi Expresses its Displeasure with British Ambassador in Moscow

2 September, 2007

Read our previous articles about Nashi (Наши) HERE and HERE

Putin’s fanatical youth brigade targets Britain
Mark Franchetti, Moscow – Times Online.UK

A RUSSIAN activist expected to take over a sinister youth group with ties to the Kremlin has warned that a campaign of harassment against the British ambassador in Moscow will be resumed if he shows support for the country’s beleaguered opposition in the run-up to parliamentary elections in December.

Nikita Borovikov, 26, who is being groomed to take over Nashi, a 100,000-strong youth movement, later this year, gave a vigorous defense of a previous campaign against Anthony Brenton. The envoy was stalked for several months, an experience he called “psychological harassment bordering on violence”.

“I don’t see anything wrong in the way Nashi expressed its displeasure at the fact that Brenton attended an opposition conference,” said Borovikov. “If he thinks we broke any laws he is welcome to sue.

“Should he again express support for people we think are traitors and fascists, we will do exactly the same. We see it as our duty as patriotic citizens to make sure he hears our protests.”

Shortly after Brenton spoke at a conference last year organized by Other Russia, a coalition of opposition groups headed by Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion, militants from Nashi, which means “our own”, followed the ambassador for six months with a banner demanding he apologize.

They shouted abuse as he shopped for cat food, obstructed his car, advertised his movements on the internet and disrupted him when he spoke publicly. The campaign stopped some weeks after the Foreign Office lodged a complaint with the Russian foreign ministry.

“What’s the problem?” asked Borovikov. “Why can’t Britain, which is always preaching about democracy, stand someone staging a peaceful protest?”
