Archive for 3 February, 2008

A Political Cartoon From One of Our Readers

3 February, 2008

Lee sent us one of his political cartoons that had me chuckling to myself.

I’m sure that President Bush doesn’t realize that he’s being used as a puppet by the Islamonazis (ignorance is bliss). But, after his recent visit to the Mid-East,is there any doubt left in the minds of those of us who pay attention to such matters? Now, don’t get me wrong. I support Bush’s war on terror. But, I think he has been hoodwinked by his Islamic advisers and acquaintances into dhimmitude, which ultimately weakens his leadership role as Commander-in-Chief during a time of war against those same types who would conspire to do us harm.

But, I digress…

Anyway, I think Lee did a great job with the cartoon, and I’m sure he would appreciate your comments.

[As usual, click on the image to enlarge]


3 February, 2008

Syrian-born Imad Al Husayn, known as Abu Hamza, wipes tears during a protest against his deportation in the central Bosnian town of Zenica February 2, 2008.

February 02, 2008, SERBIANNA

ZENICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina-Up to 5,000 people protested Saturday against the government’s decision to expel a Syrian native who fought on the side of Muslim Bosniaks during the 1992-95 war.

Imad al-Husini, known as Abu Hamza, was stripped of his Bosnian citizenship last year after a special commission found that naturalization procedures had been ignored in the cases of some 500 people from countries including Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Tunisia, Sudan and Russia.

Husini, the vice president of the war veterans’ organization Ensarije, and the most visible former Islamic fighter in Bosnia, has led a protest against the revocation of citizenship and the expulsions.

Shouting “Halali nam, Hamza” or stay with us, speaker after speaker called the deportation an injustice citing that Hamza and many other Jihadists were Bosnian Muslim patriots that fought in the Bosnian Muslim Army in the 1990s. Most grotesque killings of Christian Serbs such as beheadings, mutilations, decapitations and other bestial methods are attributed to the Jihadist fighters. (more…)

Lawmakers eye new standards for immigrant inmates

3 February, 2008

A little late and I am sure this will go through growing pains, lessons will be learned and the standards adjusted. One thing is certain anything is an improvement. Open border types always fall back on claims that all immigrants are not criminals (actually they are) and in fairness there is a big difference between a violent criminal and an illegal entry.

The more violent and dangerous illegal’s are draining our resources at an alarming rate. Money, which could improve the quality of life for American’s, is squandered on someone else’s trash. A national database and set standards to deal with these blights on humanity will eventually happen. That will take pressure off of our resources and lesson pressure on other illegal immigrants.

By HERNÁN ROZEMBERG, Feb. 1, 2008, San Antonio Express-news

RICHARDSON — Most local and state law enforcement and correctional agencies keep little or no information on immigrant inmates and don’t link up effectively with their federal counterparts, a group of lawmakers learned Friday.

Two state House committees working to devise new state standards for dealing with undocumented immigrants who commit crimes met at the University of Texas at Dallas Friday to hear testimony from state law enforcers and prison administrators, scholars, advocates and retired federal immigration agents.

“In many cases, when they first enter the system, we don’t even ask them if they’re here legally or not,” said Rep. Jerry Madden, R-Plano, chairman of the House Corrections Committee, noting more than 9,000 foreign-born inmates are in the state. “Immigration is federal, but they’re serving state offenses so they’re our responsibility.”
Representatives from the Department of Homeland Security declined an invitation to testify.
-The law is the law, federal or not law enforcement officials should either enforce it or resign and let a better person do the job. (more…)

Muslim’s ‘blocking crackdown on DIS-honour killings’

3 February, 2008

More proof Muslims are deranged. When you read this article swap the term “Asian” for “Muslim”. No Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc is doing this, Muslim are and in great numbers. Other Muslims gladly cover for them. Some will attempt to whitewash the story on sites like this one. You will all burn in hell, as well, you should.

Passive support is still support.

3 February, 2008 This is London
Some Asians in the police and in Government jobs have been accused of blocking the crackdown against so-called honour killings.

It is alleged they are not only failing to help desperate women trying to flee abuse and arranged marriages but are actively encouraging punishment for those they believe are breaking traditional taboos.

Terrified victims who seek official help are even being tracked down by a network of Asian men working in Government departments and social services, according to a study written by the think-tank Social Cohesion.

One woman was found by her family after she signed on at a Job center where a member of the Asian community was working.

The report also claims some Asian police officers actually return women to their abusive families or refuse to act against men enforcing ‘traditional’ roles.

Meanwhile, non-Asian officials and police officers are scared of acting against families who abuse their relatives for fear of being branded as racist, the report says.

The study follows the horrific case of 20-year-old Banaz Mahmod, from Mitcham, South London, whose body was found in a suitcase after she was raped and strangled with a bootlace by hitmen hired by her family.
She was killed for falling in love with a man the family disapproved of – despite unsuccessfully asking police for help five times. (more…)