Archive for February 2008

The Child Slaves of Islam

29 February, 2008

Muslim tolerance alert: I think Muslims are disgusting I make no apologies for my increasingly low opinion of them. Stories like this one only increase my drive to continue to expose the minions for what they are.

From time to time, I get the stop insulting Muslims speech (so the moderates will have a voice). Read this and find the elusive Muslim moderate who brought attention to the plight of poor Muslim families selling their own children.

Here is a tip: I have met many Muslims but never a moderate. I had a lovely chat with four today. They had an excuse for a lot of Islamic evils but the one thing they lacked was a sense of responsibility.

They had no idea of who I was or the focus of this blog but one thing is clear Muslims feel no need to reform or change their practices. Read this and remember it when the moral equivalency argument is used. It is hard to justify the enslavement of your own people. Muslims mohammed would be so proud of all of you, I OTOH find you disgustingly backward.

29 February, 2008, Sanaa (AsiaNews/Agencies) – The drama of child trafficking is a plague for Yemen, where about 1.2 million children are sold every year to criminals in Saudi Arabia and in the rich Gulf countries. For millions of young Yemenis, beyond the borders of their country the gates of hell are opened: they end up begging on the streets, working as domestic servants in the homes of the more prosperous, exploited as factory workers, or as camel jockeys.
-They also are abused by pedophiles until they are old enough to work at physical labor.

The children come from the most remote and least fertile Yemeni provinces, where not even farming provides a good enough living for the families for whom every child becomes a mouth impossible to feed. For patriarchal families, moreover, the sons must assume responsibilities from a very tender age, but the price to be paid to ‘grow up’ is truly too high.
-Surely with billions in oil revenue a better solution can be found. The UN shouldn’t be leading this effort, Muslims should. (more…)

Video Commentary on this Sunday’s So Called, “Russian Elections”

29 February, 2008

Sad… Sad… Sad…. You guys could have had this:

But, Instead, you are getting this:

WASHINGTON, Feb. 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — “The Russian Presidential election is a sad farce and another manipulative operation
undertaken by the siloviki regime of secret police officers to hold on to power,” says Andrei Illarionov, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and a
former economic adviser to President Putin.

“In reality, the Kremlin has allowed no opposition and there has been no real competition. Dmitry Medvedev was anointed by Vladimir Putin and
real opponents were kept out of the race, leaving just Communist Gennady Zuganov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Andrei Bogdanov to stand. None of those three have undertaken any serious efforts to be elected – they were there just for form’s sake.

“All the genuine opponents to the regime – Vladimir Bukovsky, Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Mikhail Kasyanov – were either not registered or forced not to participate in the election. No serious programs have been offered to the electorate by the candidates and there have been no debates……..

Creeping Sharia Alert: Sharia Compliant Insurance

29 February, 2008

Something tells me they aren’t going to offer up Sharia compliant Insurance to just anyone who walks through the doorway – especially not us Kaffars!

Capita to support Sharia-compliant insurance
Sharia policies will comply with strict Islamic beliefs, which are in conflict with conventional insurance products

Angela Jameson –

Outsourcing giant Capita, best known for running London’s congestion charge, is providing backoffice functions for a new insurance business tailored to comply with Islamic beliefs.

[But, not Jewish and Christian? – OK, now you’ve got my “religious equivalency” flag raised]

The initiative, due to launch in April, will see Capita initially sell car and home insurance by working with British Islamic Insurance Holdings. Life insurance, investments, savings and ethical financial products are to be launched later this year.

Capita, also known for collecting the BBC licence fee, will sell the policies as well as process claims and run the company’s back office. The deal should be worth £87 million to Capita over eight years.

Conventional UK insurance products are in conflict with Islamic beliefs as the Koran prohibits “riba”, loosely translated as interest but interpreted by many progressive Muslims as usury or extortionate interest.

[Of course, they ignore Jewish beliefs, so I thought I’d help them out: Deut. 23:19 – “Thou shalt not lend upon ‘usury’ (loosely translated as interest) to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury…”]

[ – Just a quick side note: Charging usury to a non-Jew is OK (Deut 23:20)]

Insurance also contains elements of uncertainty and gambling that make it unsuitable for devout Muslims.

[Uhm, I’m pretty sure that devout Christians think gambling is unsuitable, also… – just ask almost any Baptist or Pentecostal who ever lived…]

Bradley Brandon-Cross, chief executive of British Islamic Insurance Holdings, said: “The Muslim faith states that, because of various product features, conventional UK insurance options are in conflict with Islam and this creates a dilemma for British Muslims. We are planning to create a British insurer that operates in a way that removes this dilemma and creates an exciting new sector in the British insurance market.”

The insurance product will comply with “Takaful” principles. Takaful is an Islamic insurance concept which has been practised in various forms for more than 1400 years. It originates from the Arabic word Kafalah, which means guaranteeing each other or joint guarantee.

[Exciting! WoooHoooo! I can’t wait to go backwards in time…  Yeehaaaw! ]


Ricin Scare has FBI Saying: “Nothing to see here…”

29 February, 2008

Cavmom emailed us with the following story. What she and I found interesting was that the FBI is extremely quick to deny any “terrorism” connections… Perhaps, too quick… It seems to me that the FBI needs to do a little more investigating before they can make such a claim…

Hey, I watch CSI, buddy!

More interesting is the spike in the number of search-hits we had coming in to our website for “Ricin” on the 26th of February (I remembered this, because I thought it odd at the time, as I don’t recall EVER having someone find our blog with the search term, “ricin”…) Here’s a quick cut&paste from our “Dashboard:”

Search Engine Terms

These are terms people used to find your blog.


Search Views
nazi 22
mohammed 20
islam 19
taliban 15
geert wilders film 12
uranium 8
dr. bulldog 7
adam and eve 7
bulldog 7
koran 6
muslim girls 6
immigrants 6
geert wilders trailer 6
north korea at night 5
burka 5
jesus 4
ricin 4
anti islam 4
gert wilders film 4
violent britain 4
muhammad cartoon 4
mohammad on dog 3
latest news from peshawar on you tube 3
muhammad cartoons 3
riot 3

So, something was up a few days ago, and I’m not so sure that we can dismiss this as a couple of bored, misguided youths just playing around…

Suspected Poison Found at Nevada Motel
AP – AOL News
Posted: 2008-02-29 Filed Under: Nation News
LAS VEGAS (Feb. 29) — A substance found at a motel may be the deadly toxin ricin, but authorities said Friday they don’t believe it was intended for a terrorist attack. Lab tests on the substance were pending and seven people were taken to hospitals as a precaution.

“This event does not appear to be terrorism related,” FBI spokesman Richard Kolko in Washington said Friday morning. Kolko said the FBI was assisting local police in the investigation.

Police were called to the Extended Stay America Motel on Thursday and retrieved a package from the motel manager that was determined to be a chemical or controlled substance, Officer Ramon Denby said.

Two preliminary tests indicate it contained ricin, Denby said. Results from further tests by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a second local lab are expected later Friday, he said.


Some Thoughts on Prince Harry in Afghanistan & Matt Drudge

29 February, 2008

Prince Harry enjoying his stay in Afghanistan

From a Daily Mail Article:

The Prince’s deployment had been cloaked in secrecy under a news blackout deal agreed across the UK media to prevent details reaching the Taliban and endangering Harry and his comrades.

But the arrangement broke down last night after the news was leaked out on the US website the Drudge Report.

From a Telegraph Article:

wdrudge128.jpgDrudge is still an outsider, contemptuous of the cosy relationships and closed-door deals that keep the ordinary person from being privy to the secrets of the Establishment. He is the reason why people across the globe are now reading about Prince Harry serving in Afghanistan after he shattered a blackout agreed between Fleet Street and Buckingham Palace.

——– ——- ——-

This morning’s headlines are fraught with articles about Prince Harry getting pulled out of Afghanistan because of Matt Drudge.

This is odd, considering we already knew he was GOING to Afghanistan! (And, HERE) So, it was just logical to conclude that he was IN Afghanistan.

Something tells me this is a smear campaign against Matt Drudge! After all, it was he who was one of the first to break the story on Monica Lewinsky, and it was he who recently posted the photograph of Barack Obama dressed in the tribal garb of a Somali elder during a 2006 trip to Africa… Evidently, Matt Drudge has pissed off Obama’s lover: The liberal MSM…

And, now they are blaming him for “endangering” Prince Harry’s life. BULLSHIT!!! Prince Harry knew the dangers when he went to Afghanistan, and is no more a target than any other high level Commander in the field! And, when he comes home to England, he will be in more danger than ever!

I say to the folks in England, “leave Prince Harry in Afghanistan for (at the very least) Troop Moral.” And, to the liberal (“Obama is the Messiah”) MSM:

“All you lame, liberal jerks have already reported this story a LOOOOONG time ago!!! So, why are you giving Matt Drudge such a hard time? I’m on to your game…”

Update, I’ve also been informed that the Australian Magazine “New Idea,” who also reported on the story BEFORE Matt Drudge did, has removed the article from their website…  Well, never fear!  Doc Bulldog knows how to go back in time and dig up the past…  HERE 

“Chemical Ali” to Be Executed Within 30 Days, Council Backs Sentence

29 February, 2008

By Philip Dreyfuss
February 29th 2008 – ENews2.0

chemical-ali.jpgThe death sentence of Ali Hassan al-Majid, a.k.a. “Chemical Ali”, was backed by Iraq’s Presidential Council.

Al-Majid got hit above mentioned nickname for his role in the 1988 campaign of genocide against the Kurds living in Iraq. During that period, Al-Majid, who is one of Saddam Hussein’s cousins, played an important role in gassing thousands of Kurds.

“Chemical Ali’s” death sentence will be executed in 30 days according to President Jalal Talabani’s Patriotic Union of Kurdistan which wrote this information on its Web site.

Besides Talabani, a Kurd, the Presidency Council also included vice presidents Adel Abdul al-Mahdi, a Shiite Muslim, and Tareq al-Hashemi, a Sunni Muslim.

Al-Majid was convicted last June by the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court of genocide. Guilty of the same charges were: Iraq’s former Defense Minister Sultan Hashem Ahmed and the former associate army chief, Hussein Rashid al-Tikriti.

The Council approved only al-Majid’s execution.

The three criminals are currently in U.S. custody according to an American Embassy spokesperson. The U.S. refused to hand over al- Majid until the Presidency Council decided how he would be punished.

The three defendants claimed they were only carrying Saddam Hussein’s orders and therefore are not totally responsible for the mass killings.

In the early 1980s, the military of Saddam’s Sunni-dominated regime initiated a campaign against the Kurds living in northern Iraq and used chemical weapons on them. The mass murder campaign was named “Anfal,” which in Arabic means “the spoils.”

According to the Kurdish Regional Government’s Web site, the death toll of the “Anfal” campaign reached the staggering number of 180,000 people.


28 February, 2008

H/T to Gramfan for sending this in. Florida residents could print a few flyers and strategically pass them out. The rally should be supported.

I seem to remember something about the good LTC in the press a while ago, he is very aware of the threat we face and was publicly attacked in the MSM for being a good leader in Iraq.

He is also a congressional candidate (he might just change my low opinion of politicians).

(Coral Springs, FL) On Saturday, March 1st, Americans Against Hate (AAH), in coordination with the Terror Free America Coalition, will be holding a demonstration against the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the group’s usage of a government owned facility, the Broward County Convention Center, where CAIR will be holding its annual banquet/fundraiser.

CAIR was recently named an “unindicted co-conspirator” for a Dallas terrorism trial that dealt with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas. As well, the group was labeled by the Justice Department a front for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The featured speaker at CAIR’s event will be Siraj Wahhaj, an “unindicted co-conspirator” of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, an act that left six innocent people dead.

AAH Chairman and founder of CAIR Watch, Joe Kaufman, questioned, “How could the local government of Broward County allow a group with numerous ties to terrorists usage of a government owned facility, especially to do fundraising in?”

Broward County has a history of support for CAIR. In 2003, the Broward County School Board produced a video that starred the Executive Director of CAIR-Florida, Altaf Ali. And in 2005, the Broward County Commission allowed CAIR use of its Main Library in Fort Lauderdale to run a six part “Islamic Culture” program.

At the rally, AAH will be criticizing Broward government officials for their embrace of CAIR.

Headlining the rally against CAIR will be United States Army Ret. Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, a modern day American hero who, while serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan, saved fellow troops’ lives.

Also speaking will be the President of the Counter Terrorism Operations Center (CTOC), Sam Kharoba. Kharoba is a software developer that trains law enforcement and intelligence personnel on issues concerning terrorism.

Rally details:

When: Saturday, March 1, 2008, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: Outside the Broward County Convention Center, at the corner of 17th St. and Eisenhower Blvd.
Directions: Take I-95 to 595; head east on 595 to US1 (Federal Hwy); head north on US1 about 3 lights to SE 17th St.; make a right and head east towards the beach; end at the corner of 17th St. and Eisenhower Blvd.

Joe Kaufman is available for interview. E-mail:

UK’s New Muslim Friendly Police department

28 February, 2008

This is wrong on so many levels but a few key ones are:

Increasing police presence on the street provides more safety than sitting in a PC controlled classroom.

The cost of training all these officers could have been spent on ammunition to help them secure critical facilities or fend off rioting “youths and Asians”.

The police would serve their fellow citizens much better by studying the actual UK laws and not those of a seventh century madman.

It is not the mission of the Police department to act as neighborhood ambassadors they have one purpose-enforce the law. Not muslim law-UK law.

By JAMES SLACK, 28 February, 2008, The Daily Mail
Police will be trained on the importance of sharia law and the Koran to Muslim communities, under new plans to fight extremism.

The lessons in Islamic faith and culture will become part of the formal training of constables working in towns and cities across the country.
-Naturally they will hire large numbers of muslims to train them.
Chief constables say that, by understanding the community they are policing, officers will build better relationships.
-Horse shit, the police are not diplomats nor should they be.

These could prove crucial in rooting out extremism and preventing a terrorist attack, according to the Association of Chief Police Officers.
-Time to replace the leadership of The Association of Chief Police Officers.

But critics have described the plan as “politically correct thinking”.

Philip Davies, Conservative MP for Shipley, said: “Police officers are not there to implement sharia law. They are there to implement British law.

“This idea is misguided. We will only get community cohesion when everybody signs up to being British and following British law.”

Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis, said: “Of course it is sensible for the police to have an understanding of the Koran and sharia law as long as we do not allow the situation to slip so that sharia law is regarded on an equal basis with British law. British law is and always must be pre-eminent.”
-Then why waste the training time and the money on this stupid effort?

Under the Acpo plans, police will not have to learn the “depth and complexity” of sharia law, but would be expected to understand Islamic culture – which includes sharia law and the Koran.
-This is code to explain they will not cover stoning, temporary marriages, sex with children etc, etc, etc.

It is part of a wide-ranging strategy to prevent extremist ideas gaining hold in primary schools, colleges, the internet and prisons.
-It is really feel good about islam propaganda, to relax the dhimmis. Shhh no threat, back to sleep (more…)

Code Pink Protesters in Berkeley Call In the Marines!!!

28 February, 2008

In an odd twist of fate, Code Pink had to call in the Marines while protesting the Marine’s Recruitment Center in Berkeley. The following is from an Email sent to Melanie Morgan by Eamon Kelley, the young Marine who is featured in a Move America Forward TV commercial:


“While we were at the protest in Berkeley from 12 to 4 PM a white volvo drove by and a man spat upon code pink. They chased him down the street and got into a verbal altercation.

The police were NO WHERE in sight.

That’s not the best part, ready for this? Medea Benjamin yelled and I quote “Marines!” she actually yelled for our help because this man had stepped out of his car. Lol. I even asked her if she was yelling Police and she told me “I said Marines” then put her arm around my friend Allen (the Marine vet) Ironic? Ok back to the emails!! ”

Read all about this unusual turn of events HERE at Melanie Morgan’s website.

Suicide Bomber Robots?

28 February, 2008

But, when they reach Paradise, do they get their 72 toasters?


Killer robots terror warning
Exterminate, exterminate
By Nick Heath
Published: Thursday 28 February 2008 –

Forget the cuddly C3P0 and R2D2 – the robots of the future may well share the murderous instincts of the Daleks, according to a robotics expert.

Terrorist robots and autonomous military machines wielding automatic weapons could soon be a reality, claims Professor Noel Sharkey.

The expert at the University of Sheffield – who was formerly a judge on cult BBC TV show Robot Wars – warned the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) of the beginning of an international robot arms race.

With plummeting prices of robotic components he cautioned that the killer machines could replace the suicide bomber as the terrorist weapon of choice – saying a small GPS guided drone with autopilot can be made for around £250.

Prof Sharkey said in a statement: “The trouble is that we can’t really put the genie back in the bottle. Once the new weapons are out there, they will be fairly easy to copy. How long is it going to be before the terrorists get in on the act?”

The US proposes to spend an extra $4bn by 2010 on unmanned systems, with total spending expected to rise above $24bn. More than 4,000 robots are already deployed on the ground in Iraq and by October 2006 unmanned aircraft had flown 400,000 flight hours.

Robot weapons programmes are underway in Europe and other countries such as Canada, South Korea, South Africa, Singapore and Israel.

China, Russia and India are also embarking on the development of unmanned aerial combat vehicle – with China believed to be able to match the US robotic programme.

Prof Sharkey said there was an urgent need for the international community to assess the risks of these new weapons before their use became widespread.