Archive for 21 October, 2008

Comprehensive Argument Against Barack Obama For President

21 October, 2008

H/T – Gramfan

Via –

A Roadmap for Campaign 2008’s Homestretch
By Guy Benson ( and Mary Katharine Ham (
Editor and Contributor, Ed Morrissey


Allow us to put our cards on the table at the outset: We are two young conservative journalists—both in our 20s. Unlike many of our peers, we are not swept up in Obamamania and would prefer John McCain to win the election. We’ve teamed up with seasoned blogger extraordinaire, Ed Morrissey, whose careful and thoughtful pursuit of the truth—even when it benefits his political opponents—is respected across the blogosphere. In that spirit, we are not at all interested in perpetuating lies, rumors, and innuendo about Barack Obama. Promoting such information does America a disservice, allows Obama’s supporters to justifiably cry “smear,” and damages our own credibility.

What follows is by no means comprehensive, but it does shed some much-needed light on a number of Obama’s positions, statements, and associations about which he has been less than honest. We’ve attempted to boil each issue down to a succinct explanation with an accompanying, brief video clip—often starring Barack Obama in his own words. Before pulling the lever for someone who hopes voters will ignore his paper-thin resume, unsavory associations, and hard-left voting record, each citizen has a duty to do his due diligence.

In short, we hope this “closing argument” is compelling and clear, and we encourage you to share this essay with undecided or wavering family members, friends, and co-workers.


If recent polls are to believed, freshman Senator Barack Obama has a better than average chance of becoming America’s 44th President, the Commander-in-Chief of the planet’s most powerful military, and the proverbial leader of the free world. It’s worth mentioning that just four years ago as President Bush and Senator John Kerry were vying for the White House, Obama was still a part-time State Senator representing a liberal district in Chicago. Before that he was an attorney and, famously, a community organizer. In 2008, Obama has positioned himself as a post-partisan, thoughtful moderate with the superior judgment required to lead the country. These are lofty promises from a man with precious little executive experience, and a Senate career that lasted exactly 143 legislative days before he launched yet another campaign for higher office. No one can deny his ambition. In fact, if Obama wins on November 4th—and serves one full term in the Oval Office—the Presidency of the United States would be the longest consecutively held full-time job he has ever held without seeking another.

Barack Obama promises “change,” which is an appealing concept to an American public weary of a beleaguered administration and worried about the future. They are faced with a candidate who promises them everything: Tax cuts for 95% of Americans, universal healthcare, peace, saving the planet, and—according to his wife—the “healing” of Americans’ souls. As the saying goes, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Questions abound: Is this man prepared to be president? Does he hold mainstream values and policy preferences? Who has influenced his thinking, and where does he want to take the country? Has he been honest with the people from whom he seeks votes?


An Open Letter to Gayle Williams From Roger Gardner at

21 October, 2008

Dear Gayle Williams —

Kabul, Afghanistan
Gayle Williams, 34, who had dual British and South African nationality, was shot dead on Monday by gunmen on a motorbike in Kabul.

Dear Gayle Williams —
I know you cannot read this letter now, but I am writing to you as though you can, as though you are still here somehow, and because for some reason you are still here with me. I have written two articles about you now. Articles about how you were killed and why. Especially the why. The why is what this is all about, isn’t it? The why is why you died, why they killed you. The why is what’s important, yet so impossible to comprehend.

I have tried in these two articles to express some of the anger, the outrage and the disbelief that so many of us feel, but it’s impossible. There aren’t the right words. I couldn’t write this if I thought too hard about your grieving parents right now. I’d feel foolish and intrusive, because I’ve never even met you. But for some reason I realize now that those two articles just weren’t enough. I don’t know what would ever be enough, but that wasn’t it. You deserve more. Your death deserves more. And I’ll try very hard to say what’s in my heart at this moment.

“She was a person who always loved the Afghans and was dedicated to serving those who are disabled…Needless to say, we are all in shock.”

“…one of the inspiring people of the world who truly put others before herself.”

“She was killed violently while caring for the most forgotten people in the world; the poor and the disabled,” the statement said. “She herself would not regret taking the risk of working in Afghanistan. She was where she wanted to be — holding out a helping hand to those in need.”

This is what they’re saying about you now, Gayle Williams. Now that you’re gone. How ironic that you who lived your life so unobtrusively, so quietly and humbly are now famous in your death. Thousands, perhaps millions, of people all over the world now know your name and have looked at your face in that picture.

We are in a great war of shadows. Our enemies are illusive and indistinct. Only occasionally — such as at times like this — do we see them clearly. They have deftly hidden themselves beneath innumerable veils of half-truths, clever rationalizations and devious obfuscations. Our enemies have sought and gained sanctuary in the sacred temples of religion. Thus, to many, they remain inviolate and unassailable. Our enemy is great but amorphous, a master of disguise. Their greatest disguise is complete invisibility. This is the nature of our war of shadows.


Joe Biden Guarantees Obama Will Make an Unpopular Decision During an International Crisis Within 6 Months if Elected President

21 October, 2008

Yeah, no one seems to really know what was going through Biden’s little monkey brain when he opened his mouth Sunday, but we do know that it sounded pretty crazy and conspiratorial…  I’ve waited a couple of days for Biden to clarify what he meant by all of this; but, I have yet to see any response from him, so I thought I would have a little fun and let “Drinking With Bob” analyze Biden’s remarks:

Just in case you missed it, here’s what Biden said:

Biden to Supporters: “Gird Your Loins”, For the Next President “It’s Like Cleaning Augean Stables”

ABC News‘ Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.

“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.

[Hmmm…  Sounds like the Bush administration all over again…]

Not only will the next administration have to deal with foreign affairs issues, Biden warned, but also with the current economic crisis.

Gird your loins,” Biden told the crowd. “We’re gonna win with your help, God willing, we’re gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It’s like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy.”

[Ah, yes.  I love a good Biblical reference!  “Gird your loins” pretty much implies a preparation for a Spiritual Battle…  And, of course, the Augean Stables is in reference to Hercules’ Fifth Labor, wherein sometimes even a hero gets dirty and smelly; then, he doesn’t even get credit for all the hard work.]


UK Police are scammed by Islam expert

21 October, 2008

Brits are idiots; next, they will hire a serial killer to discuss the artistry of custom knives.

21, October, 2008, The Herald
AN EXPERT on Islam who has advised the Government on radicalisation has been teaching local police officers how to overcome religious extremism in the South West.

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary’s Black Police Association (BPA) arranged the conference, entitled “The Police, Muslims and Radicalisation” as far back as February this year, three months before the Exeter bombing took place.
-Expert my ass, typical muslim apologist maybe. Read the damn koran, all of islamic history is filled with violent and extreme murderers bent on domination or conversion of non muslims.

By coincidence the briefing by Mohammed Khaliel – for officers from every sector of the force, including Special Branch, CID, traffic and those who worked on the investigation into Plymouth terrorist Nicky Reilly – came just days after Reilly admitted his crime.
-Uh huh, paying your enemy to explain to you how he is not your enemy. You clowns are so far past stupid to not even register on the dumbass meter.

Chief Constable Stephen Otter echoed the words spoken to the Herald last week by Mohamed El M’hamdi, director of the Plymouth Islamic Education Trust, who said that the bombing had actually brought Plymouth’s different faith groups closer together.
-The Chief should be replaced or taken to the wizard for a brain.

Chief Constable Otter said the incident brought the Muslim community and other groups “closer” and recognised how Plymouth people had been “remarkably open minded” following the bombing.

He said: “There’s a real sense of solidarity against this [incident]. It is good to take this opportunity to say that there’s more we can do and more we can learn.”
-Your slow acceptance and surrender has slowed down the larger attacks but increased petty crimes, physical attacks and rapes. It has also caused the largest flight of UK citizens in the history of your nation. (more…)

Alfonso’s Latest Random Rant

21 October, 2008

Another Perspective on Obama’s Radicalism

21 October, 2008

Barack Obama Revealed, A Dire Warning from an African American…


I have been hoping I would never have to write this article. I hoped it would never get to this point, which would force me to openly speak out against the first African American to seriously have a chance to be elected President of the United States.

But after reviewing all the Stanley Kurtz material on Barack Obama/Bill Ayers relationship, I’ve come to the conclusion Barack Obama is definitely under the influence of a radical ideology that is so dangerous, it could literally pose a danger to the very existence of the United States, especially when we have an economy already in crises, and a war in progress against one of the greatest threats we have ever faced, in Islamic terrorism. (Photo to the right is William Ayers mug shot taken upon arrest by Chicago police in 1968 – just before Ayers began his campaign in the early 70’s – bombing campaign that is, not political)

I know Barack Obama. No I haven’t met Barack Obama personally, but I know many African Americans like him. African Americans who were born in the 1950’s and early 1960’s who are now in their 40 and 50’s in age. I am of that generation.

Our generation grew up personally witnessing the turmoil of the 1960’s and 70’s, which shaped our viewpoint of America. During the great civil rights movement of this era a very young radical element evolved and came into being in the Northern black communities of major cities of America.

This element I refer to did not embrace the nonviolent civil disobedience philosophy of Martin Luther King. In fact we ridiculed King’s non-violent movement going on in the South. We wanted to meet violence with violence, and so organizations like the Black Panther Party, Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (which later renounced non-violence) and The Nation of Islam came into being in cities like NY, Chicago, Boston, and LA. Those times and organizations produced leaders like Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton, the dis-Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Bobby Seale, and others.

In the mid 60’s those leaders of the black radical movement began to form alliances with white radical groups also dedicated to the use of violence in the opposition to American policies. Groups like the Weathermen (or Weather Underground as they later became known), the Yippies (Youth International party) , the SDS, had become active on American college campuses protesting the Vietnam war. These groups were led by people such as Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Bill Ayers, Berenedette Dohrn , Cathy Wilkerson. I remember them all. Young Kathy Boudin was one who died in preparation of a bomb.


Obamite Protesters Removed for Blocking Sarah Palin’s Motorcade

21 October, 2008

According to a recent CNN report, NO ONE was arrested!

Of course, this comes on the heels of unconfirmed reports that someone shot out the window out of McCain’s Straight Talk Express bus with a .22 cal. gun.  Bet you didn’t hear much about that, did you?  Of course, we all know that had this happened to one of Obama’s vehicles, the Main Stream Media would have been all over the story with accusations of racism and decrying “those rednecks” who cling to guns and religion, etc., etc. – even if it was just an “unconfirmed report.”

Almost 1,000 Saudi Terrorists FINALLY Indicted for Terrorism

21 October, 2008

And, it only took how long?

Suspected Saudi militants indicted for terrorism
ynet news – Oct 21, 2008

Almost a thousand, affiliated with al-Qaeda to stand trial in what constitutes significant step against terror for ME kingdom

Saudi authorities have indicted 991 suspected militants for participating in terrorist attacks carried out over the last five years, the interior minister said early Tuesday.

The legal proceedings mark a significant step in the kingdom’s fight against terror. Authorities have been reluctant to resort to trials for terrorism charges that could result in death sentences until they had shown the public that every effort had been made to give the men a chance to repent.

[Yeah, that’s the ticket!  Of course, we won’t mention that drug users and adulterers aren’t given such niceties before being beheaded…   Maybe that’s because Islam condones terrorism, but not adultery or drug use.]

“In the past few years, the kingdom has been the target of an organized terrorist campaign linked to networks of strife and sedition overseas,” said Interior Minister Prince Nayef in his statement carried by the Saudi news agency.

“This campaign targeted the way of life, economy and principles of Saudi society and sought to create chaos,” he added. “It has direct links to a deviant group that adopts the (mindset) of al-Qaeda.”

The militants, he said, have been responsible for over 30 attacks in the kingdom since May 2003, killing 164 people, including 74 security officials. They also have wounded 657 security officials and 439 civilians.

Another 160 attacks were foiled.

The statement did not specify whether all the suspects were in custody or if they were all Saudi in nationality.

Worried about backlash

The government fears a public backlash against its crackdown if it takes overly harsh measures against the militants and wants to avoid accusations it is moving against them just to please the United States.

There is a degree of public sympathy for Saudia who leave the country to perform jihad in occupied Muslim countries. Many of those who have returned from imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay or Iraq have been placed in rehabilitation programs to encourage them to renounce terrorism.

[Islam…  Need I say more?]

Nayef said the militants’ actions have affected the reputation of Islam and charity work, “attaching the label of terrorism to Islam and Muslims.”

NewsMax Discovers “Smears” Against Obama Mostly True

21 October, 2008

‘Smears’ About Obama Largely True
By: Lowell Ponte –

The Obama campaign says its candidate is a victim of “smears” — and has even created a Web site to fight such attacks.

But a Newsmax investigation finds many of the so-called smears are largely based in truth — and the Obama campaign uses half-truths, clever language, and ad hominem attacks to spin the facts.

Obama’s focuses mainly on anti-Obama messages being repeated on the Internet and talk radio, the only media where Obama’s ideological allies are not dominant.

These “smears” and the Obama rebuttals are often framed in lawyerly language that leaves much wiggle room in the candidate’s answers. also makes no attempt at objectivity, describing Obama’s critics as “pushing misleading research and distorted claims” because they are “ideologues” busy “spreading a ‘pack of lies’ about Barack.”

In a section of the site titled, “Who’s Behind the Smears?” visitors can see a chart naming seven groups and six individuals with lines that suggest multiple, sinister connections between them.

The people and groups named are real and are members of Washington’s small but conservative sphere of power and influence. The Obama conspiracy chart links all of these conservative individuals and groups back to the critics who dogged the “Clinton 1992 Campaign.”

This may come as something as a surprise to Hillary Clinton, as many of the “smears” against Obama first surfaced during her heated primary contest with him.

Newsmax reviewed 10 random claims and related rebuttals posted on Obama’s ever-changing to gauge their veracity. Here’s what we found:


Obama & Friends – A History of Radicalism Part II

21 October, 2008

This is the Sean Hannity special that was recently aired on FOX News.