Archive for 17 February, 2008

American Alienation

17 February, 2008

H/t to Gramfan for sending this in.

WARNING: This video contains some strong language and graphic elements. It is intended for a mature audience.

Each day, I see events unfolding around the globe that cause me concern. Yet most of the people I encounter seem to be oblivious, or at best, only peripherally aware of the grave threats facing our nation – and civilization as a whole.

Our enemies are counting on our short attention spans, our over-confidence and our stubborn complacency to keep the blinders on our eyes until it’s too late.

Each day, the future of freedom and democracy in Europe seems bleaker… and the United States is already taking steps down the same path.

It’s time to wake up.
We are at war!

Researchers: Damage threat from U.S. extremists may be greater

17 February, 2008

How nice, someone spent the time to convince us that Americans will destroy America long before Islam gets the chance. This is common apple vs oranges pc bullshit designed to confuse and not educate.

Ok we have a few crazies but name one who hijacked planes and dropped building on folks who just wanted to earn a paycheck. Name a group attempting to infiltrate our education, legal, military and judicial systems. Name the group with a global financial network in place. Name the group with an established record of destroying and enslaving entire nations. I can name one – ISLAM.

By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, 17 February, 2008, AP

BOSTON – When it comes to fears about a terrorist attack, people in the U.S. usually focus on Osama bin Laden and foreign-based radical groups. Yet researchers say domestic extremists who commit violence in the name of their cause – abortion or the environment, for example – account for most of the damage from such incidents in this country.
–Only one group has killed thousands of Americans at a time. BTW, they also attack out side our country

These homegrown groups are seven times more likely than overseas groups to commit some kind of violence in the United States, a panel reported Sunday at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston.

In many ways, actions by these domestic extremists can be termed “terrorist” cases, the researchers indicated. “The typical ‘terrorist’ is an alienated guy, usually a young male,” said Brian Forst of American University in Washington.
-So we should fear one man over an organized, financed and trained group with a global reach?
“They take comfort in like-minded souls and develop an idea they think will make a splash,” he said. They do not always carry it out, but sometimes they do, he said. “They are not lunatics.”
-True the lunatics wrote this trash.

More research is needed into these domestic extremists and what leads them to commit violence, said Gary LaFree of the National Center for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism in College Park, Md.

“It’s just as important to understand the bomb-maker as it is to understand the bomb,” he said.
-It is just as important to understand the ideology as the Muslim who follows it.

That is what Kelly R. Damphousse of the University of Oklahoma has been working on – where the extremists live and work, where they meet and build their weapons and where and when they strike.

Damphousse said right-wing extremists spend the most time meeting, preparing and planning before committing a violent act – some 480 “events,” whether that is a telephone call or some other form of plotting.

On a smaller scale are environmental activists who commit violence. On average, it is just 59 preparatory activities, he said.

“Environmentalists don’t need much. They need a spray can. They need a match. They don’t have to build a bomb,” Damphousse said.

Often, he said, they are simply frustrated by the political process and decide “let’s go do something.”
-I see where this is going, next will be a study of bloggers inciting trouble by re-pointing the finger back at Islam. (more…)

Grenades thrown during Kosovo independence protest

17 February, 2008

And so it begins. The Serbs will be painted as the bad guys in the MSM. Troops will soon be on the way (if they are not already) and this will soon spread outside of Kosovo. The UN and US politicians who supported this are going to have blood on their hands.

Here is a tip to all radicals everywhere, aligning yours selves with Kosovo and declaring yourselves free ads credence to your cause. Blame the US and UN for years of oppression and demand they free everything. Do it right and the economic windfall could be staggering. One they recognize your claim they will pay you homage and call it “economic aid”. Hell I might declare independence for Tampa and file secession papers myself. This is one cash cow I want into.

FREEDOM for TAMPA-Down with the UN!!! Florida deserves to be FREE!

Ok, I’ll eventually calm down and stop fighting for my cause of freedom and independence for Tampa but mark my words this is step one for a new European conflict. Let the games begin.

17 February, 2008, – AFP/Reuters
Hand grenades have been thrown at buildings of the European Union and United Nations in the Kosovo Serb stronghold city of Mitrovica.

Kosovo earlier declared independence from Serbia, ending a long chapter in the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia, but Serbia has vowed to resist it.

One grenade exploded at the UN mission causing no significant damage, a Western source in the city said. EU officials evacuated their building, which houses the team preparing a mission to supervise Kosovo’s independence.

“Officials abandoned the [EU] building. Security guards said two hand grenades had been thrown. One had exploded,” the source said.

Police sources said a vehicle belonging to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was damaged in the blast at the UN carpark.

French troops of the NATO-led peacekeeping force KFOR earlier prepared concrete and wire barriers to close off the bridges dividing Albanians and Serbs in Mitrovica in case of clashes.

The ethnically divided town, where 20,000 Serbs live in the north and 80,000 ethnic Albanians in the south, symbolises the tensions of Kosovo.

Nationalist Serbs are fiercely opposed to the independence of Kosovo, which has dozens of centuries-old Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries, and which they consider their historic heartland.

In Serbia’s second largest city Novi Sad, several hundred people gathered on the main square in the city for a protest march, Tanjug news agency said. No incidents were reported.

Earlier, several hundred former Serbian army reservists were prevented on from crossing into Kosovo ahead of its independence declaration, witnesses said.

Dressed in military uniforms, the group broke through a Serbian police cordon before being stopped on the other side of the border by the Kosovo Police Service (KPS), Beta news agency and B92 radio reported.
-Broke through or let through? (more…)

Independent Kosovo? Why Not Vermont?

17 February, 2008

I skipped commenting on this article when I first saw it because it is official now Kosovo is independent. I reconsidered this article when the Islamic Propagandists showed up. My issue is not with the people but with the process, anytime outsiders decide to meddle with the inner politics of a sovereign nation I take issue. The USA and the UN have no right interfering. Who are they to decide who robs Peter to pay Paul?

Kosovo will became a money pit and endanger Europe, as the opposing sides will not take this sitting down. Violence will happen-how much I can’t say, but it’s coming. People will die because of UN meddling, I realize that is a common occurrence but I don’t have to like it.

This is a long read but it follows my thoughts on this issue.

To the people of Kosovo I can only say this: “be careful what you ask for you just might get it”

Kosovo’s Looming Independence Raises Question: Why Not Scotland or Vermont?
By WILLIAM J. KOLE Associated Press Writer
Feb 15, 2008 (AP)
Sean Connery thinks a Scottish nation is a bonnie notion. How about Spain’s Basque country becoming a REAL country? And what’s wrong with a People’s Republic of Vermont?

Kosovo’s looming independence raises all those questions and more. For starters: Why is statehood OK for some people but frowned on for others? After all, isn’t the right to self-determination the essence of democracy itself?

There are at least two dozen secessionist movements active in Europe alone, and scores of others agitating for sovereignty around the globe. All of them, experts warn, will be emboldened by Sunday’s expected proclamation of the Republic of Kosovo.

“We live in a world which is based around states,” said Florian Bieber, a professor of politics and international relations at England’s University of Kent.

“The United Nations is based on states. The European Union is based on states,” he said. “It’s going to continue to happen. New states will emerge, and states will disappear, like East Germany.”

Not all independence movements are created equal.

Some are quirky, such as Second Vermont Republic Thomas Naylor’s small but spirited campaign to break off his corner of northern New England and make it a nation.

With his spectacles, bald spot and long white hair, the retired Duke University economics professor looks like Benjamin Franklin and quotes Thomas Jefferson. He believes that if Kosovo can become a country, so can Vermont, which was independent until it joined the Union in 1791 as the 14th state.

Yet Naylor concedes: “It’s a tough sell. This is not kid stuff. Secession is a radical act of rebellion driven by anger and fear.”

Thousands have died in long-running quests for statehood mounted by the Palestinians, and by rebels fighting to gain Kashmir’s independence from India and Pakistan.

The Basques have achieved sweeping autonomy from Spain, but militants continue to fight for full independence. On the Mediterranean island of Corsica, birthplace of Napoleon, nationalists still set off bombs to press for independence from France.

There are also many strictly nonviolent movements willing to settle for autonomy rather than secession. And sometimes new states are born by mutual consent, such as Slovakia and the Czech Republic Czechoslovakia until they split in 1993.

Kosovo formally remains part of Serbia, but it’s been run by the U.N. since 1999, when NATO intervened to stop Slobodan Milosevic’s brutal crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists.

Although the U.S. and key allies including Britain, France and Germany support its bid, Serbia and Russia fiercely oppose it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin insists that if Kosovo gains independence without U.N. approval, it will set a dangerous precedent for secessionists in Chechnya, Georgia, Azerbaijan and further afield. (more…)

‘Where are the Anti-Jihad Minutemen?’

17 February, 2008

H/t to Changedforever for sending this in. The comment below is his:

Note to CAIR: islam is not a race it is an ideology that is highly dangerous and where ever it is death follows. History proves this to be the truth.

The rest of the comments are mine.

David Tatosian
There are a myriad of web sites and blogs that focus on Islam. From it’s history and the history and habits of Mohammed, to the walking death of Sharia and Dhimmitude. Any information one needs can be had by visiting the relevant site or, should you be so inclined, reading some of the Islamic texts themselves.
-The growth of the anti-Islam web sites is only step one.

There are also many sites that bear witness to Islam’s devastating advance throughout Europe.

Given the activity at these sites and symposiums devoted to speaking out against the descent into Sharia, I wonder at the absence of a grassroots movement to stop the influence of Islam within our own borders.
-You are missing the growing numbers of people asking questions every time the Muslims want to build an enclave, change school curriculums and speaking out against creeping sharia. The people will do what the government will not. Islam is running out of tricks

Its not like we’re uninformed or can’t see what’s happening right in front of us. We can.

We see the US Government embrace Muslims who can throw together a charter and call themselves a civil rights organization. If said group has ties to terrorist groups abroad, our government redoubles its efforts to convince these “civil rights” groups of its tolerance by giving them anything they ask for. That is, on the domestic front of the GWOT, the US Government is more comfortable assuming the role of the Dhimmi than defending our citizens, culture and nation against the ravages of Islam.
-As I keep pointing out our politicians are opportunists, they are in office only for personal gain. Vote out the incumbents.

We know the same government has, since 9/11, consistently refused to secure our borders. Particularly our southern border. In essence, our government is as committed to sheltering foreign nationals who’ve illegally entered our country as they are to appeasing the “civil rights” groups mentioned above.
-And the response by the “people” was to arm them selves and patrol the same border.

These realities represent two of the greatest threats we face.

In the case of our unsecured borders, Grassroots organizations hit the streets, called, faxed and emailed local politicians insisting they enforce immigration laws that the federal government will not. As a result, local and state governments are beginning to remove the burdens illegal alien foreign nationals have placed upon American citizens.
-You are right.

Those same groups helped stop last years amnesty legislation. The Internet played no small part in all this, but it was American citizens at the grassroots level that brought these changes about. Despite the Federal Government.

Like it or not, that is what anti-jihad Americans must do.
–I agree

But anti jihad organizations don’t appear to exist at a functioning grassroots level.

-Part of the reason is Muslims are masters at propaganda, they scream racism at every opportunity knowing full well in America no one wants to be seen as the white masta over ruling slaves. Islam is slavery. That message has to be spread. (more…)

‘I don’t hate Muslims. I hate Islam,’

17 February, 2008

I could not have said it better myself.

I’d like to buy this guy a beer and a pulled pork BBQ sandwich.

Ian Traynor, 17 February 2008, The Guardian
A TV addict with bleached hair who adores Maggie Thatcher and prefers kebabs to hamburgers, Geert Wilders has got nothing against Muslims. He just hates Islam. Or so he says. ‘Islam is not a religion, it’s an ideology,’ says Wilders, a lanky Roman Catholic right-winger, ‘the ideology of a retarded culture.’

The Dutch politician, who sees himself as heir to a recent string of assassinated or hounded mavericks who have turned Holland upside down, has been doing a crash course in Koranic study. Likening the Islamic sacred text to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, he wants the ‘fascist Koran’ outlawed in Holland, the constitution rewritten to make that possible, all immigration from Muslim countries halted, Muslim immigrants paid to leave and all Muslim ‘criminals’ stripped of Dutch citizenship and deported ‘back where they came from’. But he has nothing against Muslims. ‘I have a problem with Islamic tradition, culture, ideology. Not with Muslim people.’

Wilders has been immersing himself in the suras and verse of seventh-century Arabia. The outcome of his scholarship, a short film, has Holland in a panic. He is just putting the finishing touches to the 10-minute film, he says, and talking to four TV channels about screening it.

‘It’s like a walk through the Koran,’ he explains in a sterile conference room in the Dutch parliament in The Hague, security chaps hovering outside. ‘My intention is to show the real face of Islam. I see it as a threat. I’m trying to use images to show that what’s written in the Koran is giving incentives to people all over the world. On a daily basis Moroccan youths are beating up homosexuals on the streets of Amsterdam.’

Wilders is lucid and shrewd and the provactive soundbites trip easily off his tongue. He was recently voted Holland’s most effective politician. If 18 months ago he sat alone in the second chamber or lower house in The Hague, his People’s Party now has nine of 150 seats and is running at about 15 per cent in the polls. His Islam-bashing seems to be paying off. And not only in Holland. All across Europe, the new breed of right-wing populists are trying to revive their political fortunes by appealing to anti-Muslim prejudice. (more…)