Archive for the ‘Freedom of Speech’ category

Michiganistan: Gun Shop Stops Selling Turban Headed Skeleton Target After CAIR Complains

11 February, 2013

You will bow to Islam, infidel!  Else, I keeeeel you!!!

Skeleton target

Islamic group praises Royal Oak gun shop for ending sale of targets in Muslim attire
Detroit Free Press

A local chapter of a national Islamic civil liberties group is praising the decision of a Royal Oak gun shop to discontinue selling targets of a skeleton wearing traditional Muslim attire.

The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) welcomed the decision by Target Sports.

CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid met Wednesday with the owner of Target Sports to voice concern that a gun range target that depicts a skeleton with a long beard dressed in a turban and robe may provoke gun owners to view local Muslims who wear such garb as enemies.

Uh, yeah.  Just the other day, I saw a skeleton walking down the street in a turban and carrying an AK-47; acting all suspicious, and stuff.  Happens all the time around here. /sarcasm

The owner agreed.

Walid said he had received a complaint about the targets Wednesday morning, and walked into the gun store and bought two of the targets before introducing himself and expressing his concerns.

“He gave us a verbal promise to stop selling the targets,” Walid said. “It was an extremely non-hostile meeting.”

The targets, manufactured by Thompson Targets in Canton, Ohio, are shipped throughout the country, and Walid was checking with other gun shops in metro Detroit to see whether they are carrying them.

“Our concern isn’t primarily being offended,” he said. “It’s a safety issue. In metro Detroit, there are law-abiding, peaceful Muslims walking the streets of Hamtramck and Detroit who are dressed like this in the target. It is problematic. There seems to be a dehumanization of Muslims.”


Yeah, it’s a “safety” issue.  R-i-i-i-g-h-t.  

You know, there seems to be a dehumanization of redneck farmer zombies, too!  

Better get those pulled off the market, also.  Don’t want any law-abiding, peaceful farmers getting shot at!:

Redneck farmer zombie


 Of course, CAIR didn’t see fit to mention that they, themselves support terrorists…

CAIR Wants Media To Do Away With Use Of The Word “Islamist”

3 January, 2013

Sure, I’ll do away with using the word “Islamist.”—Just as soon as Ibrahim Hooper does away with the word “Islamophobe.” 

(Fat chance of that, buddy):


(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/3/13) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today distributed a commentary urging media outlets to drop the term “Islamist” because it is “currently used in an almost exclusively pejorative context.”

By Ibrahim Hooper

As many people make promises to themselves to improve their lives or their societies in the coming year, here is a suggested New Year’s resolution for media outlets in America and worldwide: Drop the term “Islamist.”


Unfortunately, the term “Islamist” has become shorthand for “Muslims we don’t like.” It is currently used in an almost exclusively pejorative context and is often coupled with the term “extremist,” giving it an even more negative slant.

There are few, if any, positive references to “Islamist” in news articles. There are also no — nor should there be — references to “Christianists,” “Judaists” or “Hinduists” for those who would similarly seek governments “in accord with the laws” of their respective faiths.

No journalist would think of referring to the “Judaist government of Israel,” the “Christianist leader Rick Santorum” or “Hinduist Indian politician Narendra Modi,” while use of “Islamist” has become ubiquitous. It might be an interesting exercise to hold a contest, the winner of which would be the first to find a positive mainstream media reference to “Islamist.”

False argument, Ibrahim.  

Besides, even the New York Times has called Israel’s government, “Jewish.”   (CLICK HERE for the link to the NYT’s corrections page and note the usage of the phrase, “the Jewish government,” in its first correction item).  

I’d say that fits quite neatly into your “Judaist government” criteria, Ibrahim.    What are you?  A Jewophobe?

Quite likely, such a contest would end up being similar to a unicorn hunt.

The frequent linkage of the term “Islamist” to violence and denial of religious and human rights is also strongly promoted by Islamophobic groups and individuals who seek to launch rhetorical attacks on Islam and Muslims, without the public censure that would normally accompany such bigoted attacks on any other faith.

Aha!  There it is!  Still using the term Islamophobe, are we, Ibrahim?  Why is it that you want to control our language, but we can’t touch yours?  

What are you?  A hypocrite?  Or, should I say, “Islamocrite?!”


By not dropping or modifying use of the term, the media are making a political and religious value judgment each time it is used.

As are you, Ibrahim,  every time you use that ridiculous word Islamophobe!  See the hypocrisy here, Ibrahim?

That is hardly fair or balanced.

Hey, like I said, if all you Muzzy-headed types would just stop using the word Islamophobe, I’d be more than happy to stop using the word Islamist.

Now, THAT is truly “fair and balanced!”—Unlike Ibrahim Hooper’s one-sided request for the media to stop using the term Islamist.

Stupid muzzy.

Dearbornistan: Federal Judge Rules Christians Can Sue Muslim Festival Organizers

29 November, 2012

Now that Christians have won this ruling, they need to go not only after the organizers but, they need to go after the city of Dearborn itself for bowing to Islam!:

Judge: Christian evangelists can sue Muslims
Arab Chamber of Commerce runs festival where faithful arrested

A federal judge has ruled that Christian evangelists who were arrested at a Dearborn, Mich., festival sponsored by the Arab Chamber of Commerce can sue the business organization.

“The court finds that plaintiffs do properly allege a civil conspiracy among defendants, including the AACC, to deprive plaintiffs of their constitutional rights sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss,” the court’s ruling said.

It came in a case brought by the American Freedom Law Center on behalf of the Christians. David Yerushalmi, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, said: “The detailed allegations of our 100-page civil rights complaint sets out a pattern of misconduct that had the purpose and effect of depriving our clients of their fundamental constitutional rights.”

The judge, Stephen J. Murphy III, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, granted the AFLC’s request to amend its complaint on behalf of the missionaries “unlawfully arrested for preaching the Gospel to Muslims at the 2010 Arab International Festival.”

Added to list of defendants was the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, the organization responsible for the Dearborn Arab Festival.

It was on June 18, 2010, when four Christian missionaries, Dr. Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, Paul Rezkalla, and Negeen Mayel, were thrown in jail by Dearborn police officers for peacefully preaching to Muslims at that year’s annual event.

The four were accused of “breach of the peace.” They were ordered to trial, but, represented by Robert Muise, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, they were acquitted.

Then Yerushalmi and Muise brought the civil rights action against the city, mayor John B. O’Reilly, police chief Ronald Haddad, 17 police officers and others.

It accuses sheriff’s officers of siding “with the Muslim mob intent on suppressing the Christians’ speech.”

The situation since then only has deteriorated, the evidence suggests. A video was made during the 2012 events indicating hundreds of angry Muslims threw chunks of concrete and eggs at a team of Christians, spraying them with urine and cursing at them – all while police stood by and then threatened the victims with “disorderly conduct.”

The video explains authorities not only failed to protect the Christians, they ordered them to leave the Arab Festival under threat of arrest for “disorderly conduct.”

However, not one Muslim was arrested for the attack that left several members of the Christian group bloodied, it says.


Glenn Beck Creates Artwork: Piss Obama – UPDATED

28 November, 2012

I seem to recall suggesting this years ago—along with a Crap Obama.    But, hey, I’m not some fancy-schmancy “artist” who gets his funding from the NEA, or something:

UPDATE:  E-BAY removes Glenn Beck’s artwork:

Ebay Yanks Beck’s ‘Obama in Pee Pee’ Art Project Meant to Raise Money for Charity
The Blaze

The popular online auction site eBay has yanked a piece of artwork done by Glenn Beck citing its belief that the project featured an Obama figurine floating in actual urine (it was not, however).


Beck was auctioning the jar, complete with the Obama doll, on the auction site, with all the proceeds set to go to Beck’s Mercury One charity. At the last entry its bid was up to $11,300. On Wednesday morning, however, eBay removed the auction page.

Below is the letter eBay sent to Beck’s charity eBay page:

Dear mercury1charity

We recently removed the following listing:

221159812533 – Obama in Pee Pee

We removed it because including this information in the description is a violation of our policy:

Your listing contain the bodily fluid of urine. We do not allow bodily fluids to be listed on our site. Even if the liquid in the jar is not urine, you are describing it as such. We do not allow this type of listing and we ask that you do not relist this in any way. All fees for this listing have been credited to your account.

Listings of humans, human bodies, or human body parts aren’t allowed on eBay. In addition, sales of Native American skulls, bones, and other Native American grave-related items are prohibited under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and aren’t allowed on eBay.

For more information on our policy, please visit:

– Important –
The next time you sell, you may be asked to take a tutorial. Once you’ve completed the tutorial successfully, please review your account status for any other possible concerns. If there are no other issues, you should be able to sell again.

We want to keep you selling on eBay, but please be aware that future policy violations may result in your listings being removed without your fees being refunded or your account being restricted or suspended. You can review our policies and user agreement, or contact us for more information, by clicking the links below.



Obama, the “Constitutional Scholar” Wants New Amendment Limiting First Amendment

31 August, 2012

Back in 2008, and again in 2010 with his Kagan nomination, we warned ya’ all that Obama wanted to take away your Right to Freedom of Speech.  After all, it’s a proven path to success for totalitarian communists, everywhere.

Well, here’s more proof:

Obama Calls for Amendment Limiting Free-Speech Rights
By Matt Cover – CNSNews

President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations.

“Over the longer term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United,” Obama wrote during a question and answer session on the website Reddit on Wednesday.

“Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a spotlight of the super-PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change.”


Seems to me that Obama is having a difficult time keeping up with Mitt R’Omni in raising cash for his campaign, so he’s taking his frustrations out on Super PACs and the 1st Amendment.  

Funny thing is, Obama has no problems using Left-Wing Super PACs to do his dirty work.  

Therefore, it’s no stretch of the imagination to envision Obama’s ‘Freedom to Censor Free Speech’ Amendment including language which censors PACs on the Right, while allowing PACs on the Left the freedom to do whatever they want…

Yup, that’s real Hope and Change for ya’.

Zo Nation on Ted Nugent’s Visit from the Secret Service and Eminem’s Non-Visit

24 April, 2012

An excellent editorial from my man, Alfonzo:

Russian Police Cracking Down on… Toys!

27 January, 2012

Like I’ve said numerous times before:  Putin is evil!

And, with a commie like O’bommie in office, America isn’t that far behind Russia in shutting down free speech:

- Near as I can loosely translate, it says, "President - Do Not Confuse the Interests of the People with Your Own Interest!!!"

Doll ‘protesters’ present small problem for Russian police
Police in Siberian city ask prosecutors to investigate legality of protest involving display of toy figures holding miniature placards
– Miriam Elder in Moscow –

Russian police don’t take kindly to opposition protesters – even if they’re 5cm high and made of plastic.

Police in the Siberian city of Barnaul have asked prosecutors to investigate the legality of a recent protest that saw dozens of small dolls – teddy bears, Lego men, South Park figurines – arranged to mimic a protest, complete with signs reading: “I’m for clean elections” and “A thief should sit in jail, not in the Kremlin”.

“Political opposition forces are using new technologies to carry out public events – using toys with placards at mini-protests,” Andrei Mulintsev, the city’s deputy police chief, said at a press conference this week, according to local media. “In our opinion, this is still an unsanctioned public event.”

Activists set up the display after authorities repeatedly rejected their request to hold a sanctioned demonstration of the kind held in Moscow to protest disputed parliamentary elections results and Vladimir Putin’s expected return to the presidency in a March vote.

Passersby admired the display with giggles, but police took it more seriously, examining its details and writing down each placard.

“The authorities’ attempt to limit citizens’ rights to express their position has become absurd,” said Lyudmila Alexandrova, a 26-year-old graduate student and protest organiser. “We wanted to hyperbolise this attempt and show the absurdity and farce of officials’ struggle with their own people.”


The Death Knell: Tolerance of the Intolerant

30 December, 2011

Better put your Senators’ phone numbers on speed-dial:

Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measure


While you were out scavenging the Wal-Mart super sales or trying on trinkets at Tiffany and Cartier,  your government has been quietly wrapping up a Christmas gift of its own: adoption of  UN resolution 16/18.  An initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of Islamic Conferences), the confederacy of 56 Islamic states, Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion” – specifically that which can be viewed as “incitement to imminent violence.”

Whatever that means.

Initially proposed in response to alleged discrimination against Muslims in the aftermath of 9/11 and in an effort to clamp down on anti-Muslim attacks in non-Muslim countries, Resolution 16/18 has been through a number of revisions over the years in order to make it palatable to American representatives concerned about U.S. Constitutional guarantees of free speech. Previous versions of the Resolution, which sought to criminalize blasphemous speech and the “defamation of religion,” were regularly rejected by the American delegation and by the US State Department, which insisted that limitations on speech – even speech deemed to be racist or blasphemous – were at odds with the Constitution. But this latest version, which includes the “incitement to imminent violence” phrase – that is, which criminalizes speech which incites violence against others on the basis of religion, race, or national origin – has succeeded in winning US approval –despite the fact that it (indirectly) places limitations as well on speech considered “blasphemous.”

What’s worse, the measure codifies into the UN agenda support for the very notion democracies now wrestle with, and which threatens to destroy the very fabric of our culture: tolerance of the intolerant, or rather, the question of whether a tolerant society must also tolerate ways of life that are intolerant – that oppress women, say, or advocate violence against homosexuals, or force strangers to marry against their will.  It is, in fact, this very concept that the OIC has long pressured Western governments to adopt in other ways, and that those supporting the adoption of Sharia law in the west have emphasized. Yet if we fall into that trap – as it appears we are – we will have lost the very heart of who we are.


GOP Hillsborough court clerk candidate – Islam is not a religion

2 November, 2011

It is not everyday that I wake up and see an article that makes me smile. I congratulate Mr. Barrish on his honesty and the reporter for reporting and not interjecting. Nothing much will surprise regular readers, the man told the truth and will be condemned for it by people that are scared to consider his point of view. The evidence against islam being a religion is as obvious as the blood spilled in its name.

By Jodie Tillman, 1 Nov, 2011, Times Staff Writer
TAMPA — A Republican candidate for Hillsborough Clerk of Circuit Court on Monday fired off a letter saying Islam is “not a religion” but a theocracy that is “totalitarian and littered with human rights violations.”
-Islam is a cult, religions do not worship the opinion of a single individual (the pedophile mohammed) and they do not have extreme physical punishments to people that want to leave the cult, in islams case the penalty is death.

Scott D. Barrish, a 35-year-old private security officer who previously ran unsuccessfully for the Hillsborough School Board, sent the letter to the Council of American-Islamic Relations. He signed it as a member of the Hillsborough County Republican Party’s executive committee.

“Your efforts in espousing Islam in America and Florida will not succeed,” Barrish wrote. “This is us vs. you. In the great words of the late President Ronald Reagan, ‘I win, you lose!’ ”
-Like Mr.Barrish, we have found the in your face approach to members of the islamic cult to work well. Granted we usually start with a welcome to our site, a few discussions and only respond aggressively after they insult us and threaten to kill us.

Barrish said in an interview that he sent the e-mail letter because the group had engaged in what he called publicity stunts. CAIR, for instance, thanked Gov. Rick Scott and Sen. Marco Rubio for declining to speak at the upcoming Florida tea party convention because it featured a presentation by an “anti-Islam extremist.”
-Code for someone who understands islam and can explain it to others.

“I don’t sugarcoat things and I don’t use (political correctness),” Barrish said. “I’m like a (New Jersey Gov.) Chris Christie. I say it like it is.”

Barrish, who said he had spent the past two years studying Islam, said he signed the letter as a member of the Hillsborough GOP to show his credentials, not to speak for the party. But the Florida chapter of CAIR used Barrish’s letter in a press statement Monday.

“It is imperative that Republican Party leaders at the state and national levels repudiate these bigoted comments and take concrete steps to challenge the growing perception that the GOP is not a big tent party that welcomes Muslims,” said Tampa executive director Hassan Shibly.
-Yeah, see here is the problem, Scott told the truth and no matter who caves in for the Republican Party, they do not speak for him or even have a right to decide to apologize for what someone else said. I have said much worse things about islam and for a lot longer. I will never apologize to anyone stupid enough to claim the title of muslim. Your murderous pedophile pretend prophet’s stupidity is only surpassed by today’s followers and professed members of his modern cult. (more…)

German Officials Planning to Spy on ‘Islamophobes’

28 September, 2011

Interesting how those who hate a destructive, barbaric ideology are singled out as the bad guys whenever Islam is involved:

German Intelligence to Spy on…’Islamophobes?’

Buck Sexton – The Blaze

Officials in Germany will meet [today] to decide whether right wing groups who are vocally critical of Islam– so-called “Islamophobes”– will be placed under domestic intelligence agency scrutiny alongside other extremists.

The German daily newspaper Der Spiegel reported […] that “Islamophobes” could be placed under surveillance by the BfV, the German equivalent of Britain’s MI-5 or, less precisely, our FBI.

The meeting to decide this designation will be held between “the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Heinz Fromm, and the agency’s leaders in the 16 German states.”

The German states of Bavaria and Hamburg have already started to view “Islamophobes” and other “right-wing populists” as extremists who pose a threat to order and security. Hamburg officials have declared they monitor a German internet web forum with the less-than-threatening name “Politically Incorrect,” though they say the site is not technically under watch by spies.

Why are German authorities looking at the site then?

An unnamed German official told Der Spiegel it was “undemocratic” and meant to “incite young people.”

Der Spiegel summarized the question facing the intelligence agencies as whether:

“The hatred of Muslims is enough to endanger freedom of religion and international understanding — or whether it is a radical but legitimate expression of opinion by individual authors within the limits of the constitution.”

The German government already criminalizes political parties deemed offensive or threatening to public order. Last week, Germany outlawed what had been its largest Neo-Nazi party. The country also has stringent anti-hate speech laws on the books, which can call for serious criminal penalties.